Friday, January 15, 2016

Notes From Another Dimension

Unconscious thoughts for the day: January 15, 2016
What happened? It's almost certainly complicated. I don't know what I'm talking about, essentially. I was looking at the plants. They started growing so fast, I could actually observe them with my own eyes as they were changing size. There were mushroom shaped houses populated by a dangerous population of elves out in the forests. I started seeing the clouds move about in ways that were usually impossible to notice with unaided eyes. And simultaneously, I noticed the rain drops moving about in slow motions, and I notice how they produced intricate shapes and forms once the splashed onto the water. How was I seeing in slow motion, while the sky moved in so fast? Sometimes when the weather is warm and hot, it's summer. And then I notice some clouds starting to disappear in one region and appear in another. If there's anything that can be considered "teleporting", then this would fit the bill. This is just what I would call a "magic Friday". Not always is it in real life, hey! It's my thoughts that matter! It has to do with the expansion of imagination. Or have I gone too far here? LOL

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