Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Controlling the weather with your feelings; more on intuition. The Beginning...!?

Yes. That's right. Please discover this question. There  is another very interesting notion that I've been pondering about. Is it possible to train your intuition though? After all, just like the responder has said, not everyone has such creative abilities. And I don't care whether they are imaginary or not. Because they are still astounding to think about. I've tried writing about intuition before. To discover the ability of intuition, we have to keep trying. The only chance we have at becoming fluent at it is to keep thinking to the future. Have a specific period of time in mind, whether it is a day, week, etc. Don't roam around in the dark. Try to listen to anything that your perception is trying to tell you. Only time can tell whether you will be correct about your predictions. Sometimes you may be off, or sometimes you'll be somewhat correct. This should encourage you to keep going with this. That is the only way to know whether you have the ability of intuition. Essentially you're practicing ESP, except that it's even more astonishing; because you are not only perceiving, or trying to perceive, things that are beyond you in terms of three dimensional space. You are also perceiving things that are happening amidst the dimension of time! This is a dimension which we have not even learned how to travel through yet. We may sometimes think about the notion of time travel. Yet why is it that we must always jump all of the way into being there, in the future or past, immediately. Before we ever did that though, perhaps we should first think about how to accelerate or, in other words, change the speed with which we travel through time. We could do so by traveling at immense speeds, instead of achieving time teleportation. Think about this: we have achieved transportation by starting with moving at ever greater speeds, without immediately needing to come up with the idea of teleportation.
The nitty gritty behind the world is that we would need to understand it more! How do all systems work together? take scientific things, for example the weather. We know currently how various systems work together to produce the various weather that we experience. And the human mind perhaps does have some kind of influence on our external environment. Have you heard of the butterfly effect? It is virtually impossible to know with certainty what two or more of such things, if they're able to interact with each other in such ways. I have always been skeptical of such claims. And many people, in fact just about EVERYONE will also be extremely skeptical about the nature of reality because it is virtually impossible to gather any evidence on these types of things whenever we want to investigate it further. In fact, just as I've tried to get across before, we all live in a world that is preoccupied with the things that we are forced to do, or think about. And, as a result, we refuse to bothered with what we consider as "nonsense".

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