Friday, January 29, 2016

Please check this out
Do you like music. How about Taylor?

The view counts. How many views have I received?

I'm truly disappointed with me as a blogger. However, it's not my fault because I didn't post that many pictures on the site. Not much at all, according to this recent survey! What can I do do make it better? That 80 so views should not be daily. That should more like 100 views an hour. I should get AT LEAST 1000 views A DAY, not A FREAKING MONTH! Well I'm speechless too; I would put a good estimate per post overnight @ approx. 2500. That's what it should be, right? Sorry, I'm not a pro, and I need a realist to tell me more about these technical issues...

Can you answer this question of the day? Jan 29

What is more powerful, knowing or "riching".

Thursday, January 28, 2016

More about Cosmic Rays(updated info)


The Sun vs Cosmic Rays

As the sun's solar energy starts to wane, something else is increasing. And it's taking over it's place; the solar energy's place, that is). Today, I have read briefly on cosmic rays. Let me tell you something more about these. The amount of cosmic rays that reach Earth might initially be small at the start of a solar minimum. However, the longer the minimum lasts, the more cosmic rays have the ability to reach the Earth, as they are no longer disrupted so much, or "cancelled out" by the solar wind. Why? Because the solar wind, or energy, acts as an effective "white noise" caused by that of the solar radiation. Back to Cosmic rays, and in fact, there is something intriguing about these specific energetic particles. There have recently been some astonishing discoveries about Cosmic rays. Phenomenally enough, it has been found that they are NOT massless, as previously predicted. Another aspect is their ability to pack a serious impact. One single particle has so much "umph" that it is pretty much just like a massive meteor, whose energy is concentrated in a single area that is measured not just on the microscopic scale. It's measured on the quantum scale. As a result, this energy is concentrated enough, that these rays have FAR MORE ENERGY than even the most powerful radiation previously ever known to man, those that are emitted by Nuclear bombs. So, what are these particles capable of!? It's their incredible ability to penetrate all of the way through planets, including ones whose mass is at least as much as the Earth, that just goes to show just how energetic they are. Interestingly enough, if you look at the EM spectrum, and start at visible light, and keep moving down towards gamma rays, you may find that, paradoxically, it is these more energetic particles that struggle more to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere itself! This has to do with scattering. Another interesting aspect of the EM spectrum is the fact that microwaves, the light whose wavelengths exceed that of visible light don't even reach the Earth's surface at all! What's pretty fascinating is that at such extremely tiny scales of cosmic rays, detectors are only able to detect them during extremely rare instances. Yet how can it be possible that these particles, with energies far exceeding that of gamma rays, let alone x-rays, are not responsible for radiation sickness or cancer? Because of their size, which is extremely tiny. This tiny scale also allows the rays to effectively slide in between matter.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What is up with this? Travel throught the universe. How much is a light year, or light day compared to other known distances?

I just found out about this extremely neat video showing the distances between stellar features. I've really gotten to enjoy the music on this one! 😲

A new goal has been attained

A phenomenally miniature goal has been attained today. It has seemed as if I'm looking from a miles away, and I'm moving rapidly, and glimpsing something very mysterious...and fascinating! That is, we've finally achieved the next 1000 views on the blog and are currently 3000 and counting, albeit at A SNAILSPACE.  STILL A fleeting goal nonetheless. One that is running away for sure!

New discovery by the RAS!! is a link that is about a new discovery just in from the RAS, or the Royal Astronomical Society which has just released data regarding a new solar system which is far larger than our own!

ESO makes new discovery

The ESO, or European Southern Observatoty has made a recent discovery. And it's STELLAR!!

99-year-old woman gets attacked; wakes up with rainforest animal on her chest

99-year-old woman wakes up with rainforest animal on her chest

Enormous Structures Might Be Hiding in the Middle of Our Galaxy

Enormous Structures Might Be Hiding in the Middle of Our Galaxy

Here's how long it would take to visit the closest star in our galaxy

Here's how long it would take to visit the closest star in our galaxy

Some cool finds

These are the animals that once roamed the Englands

Are we all silent?

Yes. You heard that, didn't you? Well, you and me… could ALL theoretically be silent. After all, waves are pretty much just illusions that are formed by the mind. And this applies to just about any kind of wave, whether that involves light OR audio! How could this be possible? Again, this is just a theoretical thing.  However...
The reason that I wanted to write about this is that I've heard an intriguing thought before. How is it possible for us to be silent? It could be that those who live beyond Earth might just not have any hearing.  
 And as always. Stay interested my friends.

The sun is gradually darkening

Recently, results show that the sun is literally flatlining! It is essentially darkening, although not in a noticeable way for us. The amount of sunspots on the sun has decreased and the spots are not as potent as they were in recent years. There are no flares occurring, and the sunspots will probably all go away pretty soon here. So, what effect does this have ? All in all there will be no further solar storms affecting our Earth anymore for the time being.

A new idea!

Today I received a new idea. It entered my head and I decided to do something about it. I was inspired by some comments today to write about waterscapes. What?! you heard that right. When I got thinking about taking photos of some water, such as ponds (one of my personal favorites btw), my creativity then started to develop. I thought to myself, couldn't we pick a spot and come back to it multiple times a year? I've seen this time lapse before in which the person had taken well over 10,000 images for his project, in which each image was taken at various times of the year. Then, upon playback, I noticed something astounding. The sun actually moves across the frames, just like what you'd expect if you just sped up a video recorded from dusk till dawn! How amazing is that!? So we could take some photos of a body of water each season; and the number of images can be WELL OVER that of what we're used to, as is evidenced by what I just wrote! There may be only a small number of seasons in a year; however, we can still take several photos throughout the year of the same place and they will all look different. And not just in terms of perspective. Even having the camera in a stationary position will produce images that differ each time! Not only will you get summer and winter...but you would also get days that are cloudy, partly cloudy, sunny, overcast, foggy, etc. This lends us a whole range of possibilities for taking pictures of reflections! And this is just one of those things I would rally try out some day. The whole idea of even taking multiple pictures a day sounds really tantalizing, well...given that your camera will be weatherproof! And like I've written before, time lapse is not the only way to show the passage of time. Instead of playing back the images like a slideshow, you can also arrange each image together into a gridlike pattern. Then you would need to place the images in the right order, for the "whole composition" to make sense, so that the flow of time is correct that is. This is just an idea. I've never actually gotten the opportunity or time to try these things out, though I have to admit these do sound really cool. After all, I've even been interested in obtaining three dimensional photos without using photo software. This would not even require any special 3d monitor/glasses; sounds like Science fiction, doesn't it? And combining that 3d vision with the sense of time, and it gets really interesting...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Controlling the weather with your feelings; more on intuition. The Beginning...!?

Yes. That's right. Please discover this question. There  is another very interesting notion that I've been pondering about. Is it possible to train your intuition though? After all, just like the responder has said, not everyone has such creative abilities. And I don't care whether they are imaginary or not. Because they are still astounding to think about. I've tried writing about intuition before. To discover the ability of intuition, we have to keep trying. The only chance we have at becoming fluent at it is to keep thinking to the future. Have a specific period of time in mind, whether it is a day, week, etc. Don't roam around in the dark. Try to listen to anything that your perception is trying to tell you. Only time can tell whether you will be correct about your predictions. Sometimes you may be off, or sometimes you'll be somewhat correct. This should encourage you to keep going with this. That is the only way to know whether you have the ability of intuition. Essentially you're practicing ESP, except that it's even more astonishing; because you are not only perceiving, or trying to perceive, things that are beyond you in terms of three dimensional space. You are also perceiving things that are happening amidst the dimension of time! This is a dimension which we have not even learned how to travel through yet. We may sometimes think about the notion of time travel. Yet why is it that we must always jump all of the way into being there, in the future or past, immediately. Before we ever did that though, perhaps we should first think about how to accelerate or, in other words, change the speed with which we travel through time. We could do so by traveling at immense speeds, instead of achieving time teleportation. Think about this: we have achieved transportation by starting with moving at ever greater speeds, without immediately needing to come up with the idea of teleportation.
The nitty gritty behind the world is that we would need to understand it more! How do all systems work together? take scientific things, for example the weather. We know currently how various systems work together to produce the various weather that we experience. And the human mind perhaps does have some kind of influence on our external environment. Have you heard of the butterfly effect? It is virtually impossible to know with certainty what two or more of such things, if they're able to interact with each other in such ways. I have always been skeptical of such claims. And many people, in fact just about EVERYONE will also be extremely skeptical about the nature of reality because it is virtually impossible to gather any evidence on these types of things whenever we want to investigate it further. In fact, just as I've tried to get across before, we all live in a world that is preoccupied with the things that we are forced to do, or think about. And, as a result, we refuse to bothered with what we consider as "nonsense".

Strange sounds heard around the world

There is an odd mystery that is supposedly going about the entire world about strange, unexplainable sounds being heard from "who knows where?" There have been more than a few of these cases which have almost certainly been ruled out from being caused by planes, drilling/mining operations, meteor explosions, or anything of that nature. One of the most famous cases would be that of Taos, New Mexico. This is a low frequency humming sound that can only be heard by people of over about sixty years or so of age. Now, there is something like this, another phenomenon, that is also unexplained. That is, there are supposed regions of the Earth in which the Earthly magnetic fields are exceptionally powerful. Also, these areas are thought to exist in a perfect grid. That is, they are all equally spaced together from each other. And yes, one of these areas would include the Bermuda Triangle. It has also been hypothesized that there is also another hazardous marine triangle which exists between the border of the United States and Canada. This area is located over Lake Superior. Alaska is also thought to be an area in which a mysterious triangle exists. Here is some more information about the most recent observation. I myself have at times heard of these things myself whenever I've spent time outdoors.

Quakes; An invisible force acts upon the Earth

Have you ever wondered what causes the mechanism responsible for causing earthquakes? In other words, what causes the crust to move in the first place? This could very well do with a phenomenon that is under progress as we speak, and is set to last until around mid February. The explanation may cause some people to become skeptical. Why? Because many may find it to sound supernatural. Well, at least initially. Let's begin. There's an invisible force that acts upon the Earth. This force emanates from well beyond Earth. And it has the ability to extend over the entire expanse of space. Collectively, this force has an influence on Earth. One that can be both relatively tiny yet can be very significant and detectable at the same time. This force is commonly known as gravity. It has the ability to trigger earthquakes on Earth. The amount of gravity that tugs on Earth is most noticeable during tides. However, sometimes there is an increased amount of gravity on Earth despite the fact that the moon or sun is acting upon it. This is currently under progress, and is set to last until around mid February. This increased amount of gravity comes from the alignment of the five inner planets, those which are the closest to Earth. In this instance,we would essentially undergo a decreased amount of gravity emanating from Earth, although the Earth's gravity itself doesn't become less powerful. It's just being counteracted by the five planets. And this is one cause of why Earthquakes occur in the first place, because as a result, tectonic plates are influenced by this change in gravity! The evidence stems from the correlation between how the location of the various planets influence earthquake frequency and/or intensity. Although the fact is that we just don't notice it that much unless the moon is real close by along with the sun at the same time. Now, the gravity that is brought upon by the moon is a main factor in the phenomenon of annual tidal waves. And when this effect is "multiplied" by that of other planets it can cause the tides to be even greater. In one instant, the tidal bore of one of the major rivers of China swelled to catastrophic height, thanks to a combined influence of the moon and sun. You know, it's interesting how people talk about rising sea levels. Well, I don't know how significant it is. However, we've had a big problem with that here in the Great Lakes recently. That followed after the lakes were left with an exceptionally high amount of water due to the fact that they had an unusually high amount of surface area covered with ice after the end of the winter season. Basically, they were flooded. During high tide, these high water levels caused lots of beach erosion, leaving beaches totally washed out. Now, I don't know how high the water levels are as of now in the great lakes. Someday I will have to go over there and see for myself. The state of Michigan, in which I live, is practically identical to that of Florida in some ways. One of those being that it's a peninsula, and the second being that much of it comprises of wetlands. Yet there are still lots of areas here that I think would stay above water in the worst case scenario, for quite a while. That is the one thing that makes us better than Florida. People will probably enjoy Michigan a little bit longer. Even if this is a process that takes an enormous amount of time. The issue with the great lakes, however, is not always that straightforward. Either they rise in elevation, or they become lower and lower. So, no matter what the scenario might be, the lakes will probably still suffer. And as always, there will be "fuel" available for those of us who are not against climate change at all. And one of the future sources in of this "fuel" will be the Great Lakes.
Let's get back to earthquakes. It is theorized that another influence on the Earth's vibrations comes from another, probably more astonishing source. The solar wind. Energetic particles have what's best known as a "butterfly effect" on the Earth's surface.

NASA revealing new answers to mystery among the stars

Galaxy Clusters Reveal New Dark Matter Insights NASA reveals cosmic mystery among the stars!

Monday, January 25, 2016

oVirus To spread across the Americas

Zyka Virus

How are auroras formed?!

"This video shows how to do this". Well, in other words, at least it'll help show you how the sun does it! Don't worry about it too much! (We still haven't achieved fusion yet).Whenaurorasandnorthernlightisglowing

Weather & Climate Changes. Doesn't it?

Yes. Weather change; I've heard about it. Have you? Well, here are some things to keep in mind next time you are asked about the weather... why? because the weather is a phenomenon in which patterns emerge.
These patterns can be very complex. And local climate theoretically has the ability to mess with these climatic patterns. Sometimes it's a slow, gradual change over time; otherwise it might be a sudden change of things. Sometimes it's dramatic, other times it's just well, "plain". In bothe instances, we can often find the weather compelling if we were to just have the time to sit around and observe it for some prolonged periods of time. For example, the state of Michigan is a peninsula in the dead center of some of the largest reservoirs of fresh water. These generate so much snow at particular times of the year as compared to other regions of America. Yet, ironically, these lakes are the very reason for why the climate is mild. And at the same time, it can be pretty sunny. It's a mix of what we know as marine climate, and that of continental climate. We need to keep observing the climate in general, as well as local climates. And we should do this as long as we are alive. For it is an ongoing event. We can never know what it will bring about next; we must observe it for ever longer time periods. It's just something which I find compelling. And there are at least a couple of reasons for this.
The first is that climate is something that has tried peaking my interest really often.
The second is the very fact that the topic of climate change is raised in the first place. I am not someone who thinks that we as a society are having much influence on our weather. Why? Because there are also natural processes at work. And in my profound understanding of the environment, I have concluded that the effects opposed upon Earth by natural processes trump over anything that we are currently doing, or anything that we might do just about anytime in the distant future. This is something I've been trying to research for a really long while. And the fact is that, ironically, we have some serious abilities to cause changes in the environment. However, as a result, the Earth reacts to the changes. In other words, it counteracts for any climate change. And again, this can involve changes which are brought upon by natural processes themselves. Essentially, we then have what is called a cycle. So, how do these cycles work?
We have two main cycles that involve oceans that are thought to be key to the climate dilemma. One, the El Nino, which is the warming of the Pacific near the equator, has proven to cause floods in South America & has been responsible for major weather systems. The same can also be said about the opposite effect; which is called a La Nina, and which involves the Atlantic. This brings about more severe weather to some part of the US compared to El Nino. However, these cycles are not all that potent.
What if we were to release all of our Carbon into the air at once!?
Would we be screwed? Well, yes. Essentially that is true, so all of you who don't deny climate change can give a "sigh of relief" because there is truth to be told here. The amounts of Carbon can be actually substantially higher in the winter as opposed to the summer. And, the other thing is that increasing levels of Carbon gas has been proven to accelerate the growth of plants in a lab. And the experiment has in fact been controlled. In the winter, we just don't have any area photosynthesis to counteract this occurrence. So, the plants are partially responsible for cleaning up our atmosphere. However, that is not the only way our atmosphere becomes purified & is prevented from heating up;
There are other natural factors that contribute to this.
Increasing warmth results in the melting of ice. The more ice there is to be found in the oceans, the more the ocean is cooled down (partially). Also, let's look at the volcanic landscapes of Hawaii, for example. These are made up partially of the types of rocks that are responsible for consuming carbon gasses. And let's look at a further situation. Let's hypothetically assume that the Earth will warm up nonetheless.
A warming world effectively translates into one where there is increased evaporation. Would this have any influence? That's debatable, for sure. Increased cloud cover would cover up the sunlight. However, simultaneously, they would act as insulators, especially noticeable at night. Even without increased cloud cover, we would still have a world that's better insulated. This is because much of the world could be much more humid overall. And because of humidity... heat's ability to escape the surface can be greatly reduced. This is one reason for why it can be sixty degrees or so in Michigan, while at the same time it is about eighty or more in Alaska! Yes, this is based off of real facts. Still, water has been found to consume CO2. So this may explain the increase in deaths of marine animals. Increasing temperature, however, also causes increased evaporation, which may leave areas of the world drier than most others. The moisture might even rise so high up into the atmosphere as to never really come back down again.
What if much of the greenhouse gasses go up, and stay up, in the far reaches of our atmosphere!?
Warmer temperatures are also responsible for accelerated plant growth, regardless of whether the greenhouse gas concentrations have also increased or not. So, even such a situation would occur, then those plants which would still be receiving decent amounts of moisture, or precipitation would be producing oxygen via photosynthesis at much quicker rates. It is not too unlikely to that there may even be small isolated oasis' in which plants are thriving in conditions that are extremely beneficial to them as a result. Eventually, these plants are then likely to cool down our very own Earth!
How does water effect weather patterns?
When it comes to water , there are some truly intriguing things to explain. Water reflects much of the sun's UV radiation. Small bodies of water will usually warm up and cool down faster. However, I've noticed here in the great lakes that they heat up at least several times quicker than the much smaller ones in the mainland. Anyhow... the effects of climate from the great lakes are probably more noticeable and prominent than they might be from the ocean; sometime, however, the opposite also proves to be true. Here on the great lakes, calm water decreases the lakes' overall surface areas. After that, the water will probably not be quite as warm after a heat wave as it would be if it were otherwise choppy. Whether it's in the great lakes or in the oceans, whether the water's surface is choppy or calm, dictates the climate even further. Rough waters mean more mixing, in both the water and the air. The water can be pulled up from underneath, and warmed up, while the water on the top can be cooled down. Simultaneously, the atmosphere can become cooler as a result!
Did you know, however, that this mixing can also happen with our atmosphere? Now, weather patterns move incredibly quickly sometimes over bodies water. The most noticeable occurrence of this phenomenon is when a front passes. For example, when a cold front passes through, the storms associated with it cause mixing in the air. Denser air from behind the front pushes stronger against the leading edge of warmer air. And, as a result, the warmer air may be displaced. Because the cooler, denser, air tends to fall.
Here is something to leave you off with on a last note; where will you be more likely to detect increased amounts of CO2 concentrations; a place such as the tundra or the arctic, where there are vast untamed lands with very few inhabitants and not much vegetation. Or... will they be found in and around a bustling metropolis, where there are abundant ecosystems just "outside the door"?

Image of the day for January 25, 2016

 The Suomi NPP satellite acquired this image of the blizzard at 2:15 a.m. EST on Jan. 23, 2016.

The Suomi NPP satellite acquired this image of the blizzard at 2:15 a.m. EST on Jan. 23, 2016.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH...that's better isn't it

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The evolution of life on other planets

Recently, a new article has been release that describes whether life on other planets, is likely to be found, or not. This article describes how the aliens are probably totally nonexistent by now, before we would even start exploring other planets. By that time the aliens, or ET, would probably be "wiped out" by their own environmental conditions, which would exist on their own little world.It's just an interesting read overall. And that's exactly the reason for why I have decided to write about this topic today. What other interesting information might come about in the future? And. As always, stay fascinated, my friends!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Post About Art. Some advice for being great at being a landscape photographer

Let me write a little bit about what I think about the "phenomenon" that's known as art. I always think in terms of art really often. I guess I have an artistic take on the world. My favorite forms of art would probably include the following: things that are simplistic, as well as surrealistic. Also, when I'm thinking about drawings and/or paintings in particular one of the terms that really comes up in my mind is "ethereal". In my own drawings, I prefer to draw things intricately as well. I enjoy using the concepts of composition in my own creative ways, as well as using various concepts of contrast. Because contrast does not always have to do with color; it can also have to do with surfaces. And, actually, size is just another one of those things that can be considered as "contrast", although this would much better fall under composition. Particularly perspective. Whatever you can learn from photography, you can also use in other art forms. Much of what I know from teaching myself photography can often provide extremely useful in art. And, much of this can also be applied to videography in general, so of course, movie producers, for example, can consider much of these concepts whenever they're making movies. If you're ever trying to accomplish effective composition to show depth, here is some advice. Depth becomes much more effective when photographing large, immense scenes, such as landscapes, for instance. And in such instances, you want to also include relatively small objects in the field of view. It doesn't sound as though these small features of an image would change much in terms of perspective. Yet, surprisingly, they do! Why? A combination of large and small helps to exaggerate scale. For example, when photographing some cliffs, having some tall trees really close in the foreground can prove effective if you also have those types of tall trees very far away in the background. And placing someone close to the camera in the image can also help out a lot, especially if you also place at least one other person further away. You probably want the distance between each person to be as much as possible. Although, you must keep in mind, that if you go too far with this, the person (or people) in the background might be totally unrecognizable. And in some extreme cases, not even visible! So, let's take it a step further. You want to be taking pictures whenever the sunlight is coming from low in the sky. And how low the sun is depends on what you are trying to photograph. You want to try and get some really dramatic shadows. However, keep in mind that there is a problem that can often arise. Because sometimes you can easily go too far with this idea. And when that happens you might get too much or perhaps too little of the scene hidden away in the darkness. So, what you might want to try taking the same photo over and over again. That's right. Sounds "crazy", doesn't it? Well we're not merely trying to go for copies. Just try taking the pictures, and allow a good amount of time (like a few minutes or so) to pass between each picture is taken. Then you will truly be able to see what effects the changing sunlight has on your landscape photography, although this can also be applied to various types of photography, including architecture. When you take these photos, you might want to adjust the contrast, or levels. What's interesting about this is, there are also many people on the other side of the spectrum, probably most all of them, who prefer less contrast in their images. So they refer to processing their images various ways, such as adjusting the highlights and shadows. One of the techniques that has become really popular among "landscapers" is what's known as simply, HDR. So, what's the best? What technique creates the most effective photos; HDR, or actually decreased dynamic range? And that, my friends, simply has to do with whatever is your personal preference. And that's just one of the several reasons in which photography has been mind boggling to me. Some of my photos eventually come out resulting in many versions. And to this day, I've only posted like one version of all my photos, of which there are multiple other versions probably stored away somewhere. And I could probably come up with an entire set of new versions if I were to play around with my photos some more in Photoshop.
Lines also play an important role in photos. When they appear at specific angles, that can have some compelling effects on composition. More on photography later.

Another planet?

To all of those who are really into conspiracy theories; it's official. Planet "X" has finally been discovered. However, it'll be some time uintil the photos are confirmed. So, it looks like NASA is finally admitting to something that we haven't know for a while up intil now!😐 PLANET "X" Otherwise, you can just call it "Inbiru" LOL

We live in the midst of a fluid environment; on water, land, or even in space

It may definitely sound "insane". However, most of the cosmos is a fluid environment. Essentially, everything that exists in the cosmos lives inside of a fluid. In other words, the cosmos is an "ocean", for the most part. An atmosphere is just not dense enough of an ocean for us to swim in it. In fact, there are just about no lifeforms that can sustain themselves in the air just as we could do in the water; at least, not in an atmosphere that's as thin as Earth's. The best that life on Earth can ever wish for is to fly, or hover, just like the light butterflies, birds, etc. And, of course, there is also microscopic life which exists at elevations exceeding a phenomenal 120,000 feet. These kinds of lifeforms can actually stay up there for prolonged periods of time. We ourselves have to depend on things such as airplanes, weather balloons, and blimps to help us achieve these dreams. Now, let's think about something more tantalizing. Suppose we have a planet, on which the air is phenomenally dense, as compared to that of Earth's atmosphere. Let's further suppose that advanced life forms would, for whatever reason, need to stay above ground constantly. One reason for this, for example, would that perhaps the planet's surface has become toxic. There are probably other reasons that one could come up with for why life would evolve on this type of planet, to develop these, what I like to call "skills". These lifeforms might even need to rely on structures inside of them, which would be massive, as compared to themselves. These structures would probably be necessary, because of the fact that these organisms would rely on massive amounts of gasses to be inhaled, and later stored, inside. These structures would probably best be described as lungs. And who knows what type of gasses they would contain? It could be light gasses, such as Helium, or even Hydrogen, which have a density that's significantly less than our surrounding atmosphere. After, all, think about what weather balloons can do. When you fill them up with such gasses, they can travel incredibly high. The case with exotic lifeforms could be that, these lifeforms are made up of extremely thin membranes. And, as a result, they are likely bound to have very intricate bodies. As a matter of fact, their bodies would almost certainly be transparent, as is the case in very rare occasions on Earth, such as when we study life forms such as jellyfish, or glass frogs of South America. Now, what if we were to put the light gasses of Helium and Hydrogen aside for now? If so, then it's still really possible for lifeforms, or "jellyfish" to live in the air. So, what would it take? It has to do with the difference between air temperatures. And, the higher the temperature difference between the inside of the organism is to its outside environment, the higher the density differences are. And the organism could still float. Well, that would be, if the density of the outside environment is higher than the density of the jellyfish itself. Now. Think about ships. Ships are made to stay afloat. Yet they may sometimes weigh many tons. So, how do they stay afloat?Well, just keep that in mind for now. The density of the jellyfish would need to not just account for the inside of itself. It would also need to account for the outside as well. The density of it's whole entire self would need to be less than the surrounding atmosphere. Space itself can be thought of as an ocean. How? Well, think about when astronauts go out and explore space. They are essentially in the ocean. They are surrounded by a deadly environment, deprived of oxygen, which stretches over vastly immense distances! Their is virtually no difference when you compare the cosmic environment to that of being underwater. And, of course, you also have to contend with the fact that you can float about freely. And this is perhaps, just the same way as to how life exists on other planets...and that's just how I would like to redefine the term "extraterrestrial". Out of this world, that is.

Black Holes VS life in the cosmos

You might have heard before about life incredibly high up in the Earth's atmosphere, or the possibility of life on the hostile, radiation stripped atmosphere of Mars. Mras, by the way, has just about no magnetic field. So, essentially, all of its air is evaporating. There's however, a much more exotic place in the cosmos from where life could arise. black-hole-sun-could-support-bizarre-life-on-orbiting-planets/


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What's it like to be outside when it's ten degrees outside

Today I decided to go outside. It was frigid cold this morning. Soon after getting out of bed, I decided to get dressed up later. Before I did so,  I decided to go outside.  It was a mere ten degrees Fahrenheit. If anything, I just had some shorts on! I'm definitely going to try more of these stunts more often. It wasn't too much "Fun" later on in the day because it wasn't all that cold later on. It got a lot warmer pretty fast. Any ideas LOL?

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Revenant movie in review

One of my favorite scenes in The Revenant was towards the end as DiCaprio hid from the bad guy. That was really clever. Overall, however, the movie brought a lot of stuff with it including some really great usage of CGI. Watching the movie truly feels as though you're in there yourself. You're effectively immersed into the scene. Did you know that it was filmed all during daylight? Those spectacular scenes, though. Wow. It was an interesting movie through. I'm amazed at what people are able to get away with in movies, given that this was a western. The bear scene was so CGI, isn't it? Yeah, I didn't know for sure either. DiCaprio was supposedly not even the best part of the movie. I'm not sure what they were referring to. There are definitely scenes in the movie which make you wonder, "how'd they do that?" although I'm sure many of us might be able to figure that one out. The movie goes to show that even when there's a group of good people around, there can also be a bad guy there too. After watching the movie, and also during the movie as well, I was pretty much petrified of just how realistic a lot of it looked. The actors themselves were really realistic in particular just because they actually made me feel scared. Yeah, maybe it does sound crazy. However, I would be scared to meet some of those actors. At least that's what I've been thinking about the movie itself, perhaps meeting the actors wouldn't be so tragic after all. It's pretty difficult imagining myself that I'm just witnessing some actors doing things on a stage...oh wait, they weren't were they? Ha! We can laugh about that one, can't we? And as always, those sound effects were really something! Would I watch it again, however? Yeah, I guess I would. And as always, on to the next major motion film, eh?

Photo of the day Januray 18, 2016: Comet passing in front of stellar background

IMO, this is one incredible photo of comet Catalina making it, and passing pretty close to Earth. Decide for yourself however

Welcome back

Welcome back. Last time I had expressed my emotions toward all of the people who've made last year great. Thanks for viewing my blog, and thanks again for the great music and entertainment! I didn't get a chance to write anything today. On another note, however, I heard someone ask "what are some reasons shouldn't kill myself"? And please don't read like, the second half of this last sentence before you've read the whole thing. I would simply reply to such an answer, and in fact I WILL later. I will probably be the first one to tackle this issue. Before I get there, however, I would proudly say that you shouldn't kill yourself because that's, well, not good. I think you should just go to the movies with me some time if you ever feel that way. Don't take me as mean, I'm just giving suggestive answers over here. After all, have you read about my recent article yet, regarding 2016 and why it was a great year for reasons unknown? I made a "farewell letter" to all of the great actors and musicians of our modern age of 2015! So, you know how it goes. Stay interested my friends. keep reading so I can keep writing. HUH!?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

See everyone next week!

I will see you all next week with some ASTONISHING new posts. So, if you haven't already, please follow the blogs. That's a personal preference, at least. See everyone next week! No trolling, please! Here's a hint. Intuition! Yes, that's right- if you don't follow the lotto, then at least you can follow my blogs. I will be writing about some thoughts on my mind that I'll be having. And in few days or so, something will happen on the news. Will it fulfill my intuition, however? Well, there's only one way to find out. And even if it doesn't work at first, remember these words. Try, try again. Don't give up on you're intuitive thoughts. Practice is the key. Keep doing the exercises, and you will keep getting better. So, how do I work my magic, anyhow? Well, what I will do is I will gather some of my thoughts up, and compile them into one. This is essentially ESP, except that it's not a "you do it once and there you have it" kind of thing! You need to be patient. And last of all, you need to sit down and be calm when you're doing it. You need to enter a state of calm. That's just about all that there is to it. And what is it? That is... what I'm talking about! You get it now? Cool. I will keep writing then. We could all use some enlightenment. We all need to become open minded people. Don't get lured into skepticism about everything all of the time. Why? That isn't any fun now, isn't it? At least, that's how it might seem to you. It doesn't seem that way to me, however. And so I keep writing. And you will keep asking yourself, when will Maciek Mierzwinski...ever quit with all of this!? Sorry, there is no reward for being a nonprofit blogger.

Get ready for one freaking amazing night show!

First of all, here's the link. Don't worry about this one, I never post unsafe links on the internet. All you would need to do is hover over it. Anyhow, why is this so amazing? Well, first of all, let me tell you that I am fascinated when it comes to time lapse photography. I have seen countless examples that have included starscapes. However, I have not yet seen any that have included even a single planet! Not even on star trail photos! It's crazy, however, here's something interesting to keep in mind. Planets, unlike stars, move in straight lines generally. And in a time lapse that would show them advancing differently from all of the other stars. The thing about this is that a video just doesn't show this phenomenon adequately enough. For the best results, you would probably need to see it for yourself "in 3d". It would probably give you a sense of our Earth, as well as the planets, moving along with each other along the elliptical plane. That is an occurrence that strikes me as truly astounding. So, how about I try and capture all of these planets in one photo? How cool would that be!? Further, I could do time lapse. Not always does the time lapse need to be a video. In fact, individual photos themselves can just as easily show the progression of time. And the benefit of this is that you can see each slice of time simultaneously. You are essentially peering into the fourth dimension, regardless of how crazy I'm sounding right now. So, if I were you, I would probably go out and enjoy this rare opportunity. Unless it happens again here pretty soon. In general, I'm excited. And this takes me to some unanswered questions that I've had about the planets. Not just in our solar system, also ones that orbit other stars. Do all planets orbit the same way (direction)? And do all of them rotate the same direction? Well hey, if you're ever in the need for some answers with these questions, you are more than welcome to ask someone that may be more knowledgeable than me. I will then listen to any answers that you receive. Oh, and BTW, don't forget; I will be trying my hand at producing some of these, what I like to consider as views "of the fourth dimension". Once I start on these projects, then I will be entering into a new world of creative possibilities in my private interest in photography. So, stay tuned to my Flickr page for any new releases. I have the sense that this might even take the internet by storm here pretty soon. Especially when I start on these projects of mine. Perhaps I will even start up my own group on Flickr which would be especially dedicated for these kinds of four dimensional projects. If I haven't mentioned it before, I will now. I am truly fascinated by the passage of time. We just don't take that much advantage of it in our fine art, at least that's how it is in my opinion anyhow. So, I would like to depict the passage of time in fine art, which wouldn't even need to always be limited to photography, or abstract paintings, as an example. Now, what if we were to take that idea- the idea of time passing away, as well as the perception of time itself, to expand our creative abilities. Now wouldn't that be something? I am so excited That is what I would like to talk about these topics here in my compelling blog. And as you still remember my slogan? I will try putting it up on my profile, while naming myself the most open minded man in the world. You can guess what might come after that.
This is a time during which I would like to present some interesting information regarding this

Friday, January 15, 2016

What we are capable of: Mind over matter.

If I do, I will do it so I can start to become acclimatized to the conditions outside. Why? like, WTF is wrong with me, right? Like I've explained before, (if you've ever bothered to read that recent article of mine by the way.) That's you'll know what I want to do. Will I be able to survive such extreme conditions for prolonged periods of time and eventually achieve some "superpowers"? Well, you never know, eh? "No protection" LOL! I will be out there no matter what the conditions may be, (and I don't want to do it that way anyways). For example, I just want to run around for several minutes when it's freezing outside, (or whatever you prefer). That's just one of MANY ways someone can prove themselves in harsh conditions. I also want to sit out dressed just like I would be in the spring, or summer, when it's cold. And after I do that, I will gradually increase the amount of time that I spend doing this. Also, I will eventually even do this excercising in increasingly harsher conditions! Again, Why? WTF is wrong with me, right? One question; What are we capable of? What kinds of extremes are we able to sustain? So, stay tuned to my future YouTube channel in the future to keep up to date with these developments. I will eventually do that, however; we must learn to be patient people! Right?

Snowstorm! Invade the European continent! What about us? Well, we will still be getting some PRETTY incredible conditions here pretty soon. Maybe not as much snow, it will get phenomenally cold in Minnesota. In Michigan, it will still be pretty cold some time after today. Four degrees, or approximately -20 degree C, anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so. Minnesota; how about the temperature never past subzero? Well that's what it's going to be like there. (approximately -23 C or so). BRRR, right? Idon't think that I'm ever planning on leaving the house when the arctic blast comes rolling through!

Notes From Another Dimension

Unconscious thoughts for the day: January 15, 2016
What happened? It's almost certainly complicated. I don't know what I'm talking about, essentially. I was looking at the plants. They started growing so fast, I could actually observe them with my own eyes as they were changing size. There were mushroom shaped houses populated by a dangerous population of elves out in the forests. I started seeing the clouds move about in ways that were usually impossible to notice with unaided eyes. And simultaneously, I noticed the rain drops moving about in slow motions, and I notice how they produced intricate shapes and forms once the splashed onto the water. How was I seeing in slow motion, while the sky moved in so fast? Sometimes when the weather is warm and hot, it's summer. And then I notice some clouds starting to disappear in one region and appear in another. If there's anything that can be considered "teleporting", then this would fit the bill. This is just what I would call a "magic Friday". Not always is it in real life, hey! It's my thoughts that matter! It has to do with the expansion of imagination. Or have I gone too far here? LOL

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What has happened!?

I just took a stop on by the internet to find out what near-Earth asteroids are probably headed our way. And what did I uncover? Well, it's interesting that we may now be discovering more of them...have you gotten a chance to look at my recent posts yet, about NASA likely discovering more asteroids in the future? I think I might be on to something:

The brightest ever detected phenomenon to occur in the universe...

I've recently discovered a new website on which there many various interesting articles on that website. It all sounds very neat. There was this one, which, if you scroll down to the bottom there is an interesting video showing just how we are changing the environment

NASA sets up new agency in order to track asteroids

NASA has just recently divised up a new agency so that it can track asteroids that are incoming towards Earth! Will this give us a heads up, so we can observe some big ones that are entering our atmosphere? That's something I will definitely want to be wishing for.!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Some images of the week...

Starting off the week with some images of the week" "CIRs are transition zones between fast- and slow-moving solar wind streams. Solar wind plasma piles up in these regions, producing density gradients and shock waves that do a good job of sparking auroras. The CIR of Jan. 11th is off to a good start." according to
Today, (Thurs)
Make sure to check out my ne link For more info

Monday, January 11, 2016

Scientific analogy of time; How isolated is Earth?; Is dark matter/energy real?

Does time exist at once?
Science states that this is most likely true. Let me explain. What it's like, that is! Once a memory is made in my mind, I will try to hold on to it immediately after. Once I start, it will theoretically never go away; it will continuously seem as if it's ongoing.  This, I think, is more than just a feeling. And I think so beyond a reasonable doubt. It's just like ESP. That is the moment at which I realize that time is almost as tangible as 3d space; it's a hologram that can't be destroyed. And I have concrete evidence of this phenomena. You might already have an idea of this. However, let me give the perfect analogy. Assume we're just travelling through three dimensions. Eventually we hypothetically travel so far in one direction that we reach the end of the cosmos. Assuming we could actually achieve this feat, and we keep going, we would eventually reach the same spot from where we started! In the realm of time, however, this is a phenomena whose effects we may be experiencing every day! Because we can't experience time directly, we can still notice its effects. How is this possible? First off, when we returned to point A, we couldn't know, because Earth would not exist anymore. And similarly, we travel in a circle in time. And we travel many times faster through time than through our familiar 3d world. The slower we travel, the faster we travel through time. And while we travel so quickly through time, we may be reaching the end of the fourth dimension, after which we return to the same time when we started. And, of course, this time has changed when we get back. This prevents us from experiencing exactly what we did before; whether that may be an unfortunate matter or not is up to whoever's reading. This does not bother me I suppose.
The "end" of all time
I don't find a reason for people to be afraid of death; well, essentially I don't, although there's no clear way to state this if you're definition differs. Again, a tragedy is not something that should be considered an "end all" kind of time, no matter what way you look at it.. It just describes a moment in time that is a part of transformation. It's just a matter of how one thinks of it, you know. Negative feelings are not something that's needed at all, IMO. I try to go without any anxiety, fear etc. It's far more difficult than I have ever imagined. Remember, it's not about being a survivor. It's about being a fighter.
Our "isolated island"
Actually, there is a modern theory which attempts to debunk the theory that every celestial body is separate from one another in so many ways. That includes our own, Earth. Just how isolated are we though? Well, first of all, the theory is called The Electric Universe. And one of the ideas based on the theory, is that bodies influence each other no matter how" isolated" they may be. One of the more obvious ways this works is through gravity, which acts through infinite distances over space. And The Electric Universe goes even further to suggest that electric and/or magnetic fields extend extremely vast distances. This is a possible influence in the structures of the universe, such as galactic clusters, and even... dark matter itself! That's right; no dark matter would be necessary to account for all of the missing mass in the universe. It could all be explained by extremely potent electric fields. This has to due with how light interacts with plasma. For more info, just type this keyword into YouTube. (Electric Universe). The first time I've ever heard of the theory is from a very neat YouTube channel called "Suspiciousobservers". They have daily videos on what's occurring.
Dark Energy
Why is it that so much of our universe is missing from sight; is it a sign of dark energy? It's puzzled scientists and astronomers alike for quite some time. Not so fast, everyone. I don't think dark energy needs to account for expansion. These galaxies and objects are so far away, several billion light years are we even sure that what we are observing is there? At earlier stages of the universe, what we are observing might not have even existed. There may have not been anything back then except for, I don't know... maybe cosmic dust and particles. Either that, or we revert to galaxies and stuff that break the light speed barrier. That is a problem, however. First of all, the laws of physics are constant. With this in mind, the laws of physics can't be different at the far reaches of space. Unless we've made a huge mistake of course. The laws of physics may have been different in the early cosmos perhaps...

My common wisdom; Summing it up

Let me sum this up: Again, If there is such thing as "undeniable" truth, then this is what it would be... that events such as dying, or the end of the world, are just times that describe transformation. Another thing that's true, however, is that all time seems to exists at once. And still another one is that, with all of our modern understanding, we have yet to produce even a single blade of grass. And yet, nature has never recreated what man has been able to achieve. In general, why is stuff so entropic, with the exception of our own, isolated island in space? I am about to write more about this.

The 8k revolution...?

Well, I'm going to get some more opportunity to use PS again! I still have some images I want to put through the film simulation technique that I came up with. And since I don't have any photos now.. I will. I plan on making some light art here. The problem is, I don't have all of my equipment yet. The most important, the remote shutter release, that is. With this I had some incredibly mesmerizing & inspirational ideas to do nighttime photos. For examples of what I've tried, go here:
Lights of Night ______________ Filling in the colors of night
Light Brush             I also used the remote to my advantage when capturing lightning!
I will also try to set off some time to do my own animations. That is currently the only type of video I'm capable of making myself that is better than HD. This is definitely some intriguing stuff here with the PS! Once I'm able to get behind the computer on this one, it's going to be awesome. BTW, I don't know how it happened; today I walked into my first day of class. They told me that the computer that I sat at was pretty much the only one in campus with PS on it! It was the only one upstairs. I'd been told that it was installed for someone disabled. How interesting, huh? So, these animations will definitely be the next revolution in my YouTube channel! I've just read about resolutions higher than HD. They say 4k. And 8k is four times that. It's incredible for video, I'm sure. I cannot truly grasp what that means for the video revolution. I know what such a resolution means for photography alone, I never would've guessed it'll be used for video. My camera's resolution, for example, was top of the line, particularly if you compared it to compact cameras, when I bought it, at 15 mp. And I've just written about the theory on what happens once we enter an 8k revolution. You take that 15 mp and more than double it! And it's truly stunning, to say the least. For more, The Paradigm Shift Don't forget about this: creativitiy

"Black Hole Theory"

And so a new theory begins... first, however, here's some concrete evidence of...        Black Theory

New Technology Followup

This is kind of a follow up on a recent post of mind regarding future technology. There is some more I was going to get into about cameras. I'll also include some more. A new sensor calls for a curved design. This would supposedly help produce nicer images because the lens would then be parallel with the sensor. We have yet to see this tech in action, even though there are other interesting features coming about in cameras. You know, it's amazing the fact that people are trying out videos in 8k. This would put camcorders into a class of their own. They would be able to produce stills that are as good as the highest resolution modern aps-c cameras; and remember, those that are made for still photos! And video cameras, such as the Blackmagic, even share the feature of uncompressed format. That's probably the one feature that photographers hold on to as the most important. You can open up each frame in photo software, such as PS, and process them. This would definitely lead to a paradigm shift basically. The results would be profound! Because video would then completely blur, or eliminate, the border between video making and photography. Why use a camera for photos, when you can get the same result from a video camera? And you could make these amazing photos at a whopping 30 frames per second...or more!
Drones; these vehicles may just become the next major mode of transportation! This is the next best thing to flying cars. The benefit? It can be programmed to fly anywhere! (As opposed to a helicopter, which is probably less stable). A drone can be made much more stable in fact, because it can be built using many rotors. Now, we might not see any one get into a drone soon. We can however see them be used for mail or product delivery! Yes, that's right; in fact, these kinds of drones would eliminate the need for going "down the street" to get you delivery. It could be programmed in such a way as to fly right into home! Imagine that, huh? Sitting inside and all of a sudden-wham! A drone flies and drops off a package. Wouldn't that be something? And if someone can also fit into a giant one soon, then how about the possibility that drunken people can go for a ride?! One of the neat things about this phenomena would be that we would drones just about everywhere above our heads. And to me, that is a very inspiring thought. School kids could hitch a ride. And then, we wouldn't have fun with lasers no more, unlike what we do with them to planes, which travel miles up. I'm sure it wouldn't be too safe flying just a few tens of meters above ground, given all of the ways which people could mess with you flight. And conversely, it would be truly amusing, wouldn't it? I'm going to make mine into a flying cinema one day. I would give out offers to people for aerial photography. Another idea of mine would be to use the drone on vacation, or when there is an opportunity such as flying from a tall building, to cruise the skyline. Also I would like to take one out to the Grand Canyon to go over the edge there. Theoretically, one could even land it on some of the ledges out there; although there is no possibility that I know of how to get a good landing. A drone would also be helpful in experiencing events such as, for example, independence day. Well, given that... you do this at your own risk of course! Now, how high up will these drones be able to ascend? I would even take one up to "space" to get some more views, especially if you take an RC plane or heli up there. Now imagine taking up smaller drones with you. A whole new world of different perspective becomes visible.
Besides drones, there is another interesting airborne technology that is truly neat: Cubesats. These are just mini satellites. They are generally many times smaller than traditional ones. You could send up your own equipment into space. And, perhaps, some time down the road, we could even use our own satellites to explore space. Astronomy enthusiasts may one day send one up, and return with data about UFOs...before NASA does! 

Friday, January 8, 2016

What is the most undeniable truth you know of?

This is yet another question that I've attempted answering on Y! Answers. And what I came up with is pretty impressive. First off, one of the answers was that change is constant. And that got me thinking. What does it mean for something to change? Everything we view as negative...

The Dumbest Conspiracy ever. Oh, the irony!

There are some crazy insane ideas about our world here. I don't mean to be serious about them. Let me offer a new one, however: it states that the Earth has its own plan for us. That is, of all of the catastrophes that are effecting us as society, or ones that are yet to occur- they are all part of the Earthly plan for all civilization. The catastrophes are all planned out to occur in slices of time that correspond to what we may be doing. In other words, they are "timed out". And therefore these occurences themselves will dictate what happens to society, and when they happen. Now, let's consider that one of the conspiracies that people have comes true; So let's consider that it'll be my own conspiracy that I've just stated. Why? Because I'd like to explain something ironic that can happen afterwards. If a conspiracy theory is proven, then it will give us an opportunity to create our own conspiracy theory just like that! How is this possible? Here's something we've usually noticed in our world; There is always either a majority or minority which shares the same views, usually not everyone of a number of people can be convinced. So if this is the case, that my theory is proven, then I will still be able to make the opposite argument. And I could then state that the Earth doesn't have a plan for us! How neat would that be? If it still doesn't make sense, I'll use another example.
Suppose that the theory for climate change is proven one day. I will then create a theory of my own that global warming isn't real. I don't know about you. I think however, that this is a very amusing thought. Well, that is, if only one of our own conspiracies comes true one day... So let's hope that climate change (for example) is proven, so that I can convince "them" that the opposite is true, therefore spreading fear among all of us inhabitants. Oh, wait a moment; that could all be part of a cycle. It's proven, then it's disproven. Just like the fact that Mars moves closer to us...then farther.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My intuition for Jan 7

Last night, I had a dream that there were multiple suns visible in the night sky. I have been amazed by the sun for my whole life, because what do you know? It appears just as a major explosion would. Except that it's ongoing. In my dream, it was sunset. I don't know why I'm having such dreams this recently over the past days... they say dreams are based off of thoughts; which, to me, are rarely reminiscent this week.---------! More intuitive thoughts coming in the future. I have written recently about what artists will be most successful this year. I'm not sure if that was "intuition". Well, hey! I have written in late Dec about the major floods in the world this year. I was pondering who was going to be next. And there you have it. Now we are having some flooding starting to ramp up here in the US. So... the question is, where are such thoughts coming from? I am still going over the ongoing fact that we are still stuck in the 21st century. We're only 16 years in. I don't know why... and the start of a century indicates some major events in time. You know, think back 100 years ago, to the year 1916. From our point of view, the 20th century was pretty much starting out. And this similar to what we will think in 100 years from now. And the start of a century will always be marked by the beginning.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2015 in review; Looking back at a "weird" summer in the US;

The west States were incredibly warm- just how warm did it get in the west? Look below; The Northeast US was quite mild, and is considered a "cold" one this year. I would absolutely agree:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Celestial Night Show; World's Weirdest Lakes.

Here are a couple of links that may interest you.
1. Go here for some crazy lakes...
2. And this article, about the most anticipated celestial events of the year!; More info; this 2nd link includes one of the most anticipated astronomical events of many people's lives-and, if all goes well, it may just be the most astonishing event of my whole life!
The reason I decided to post about this is that whenever I see some neat links on, I cannot get back to them- the practically get lost somehow (to where?!).

A couple of new discoveries by NASA

NASA has recently discovered a lot of binary stars emitting x-rays! in addition, NASA has also started to use infrared telescope to track runaway stars. For more info, click here&here!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Intelligent life during the ice age, and the carbon cycle; the sun as a red giant

Now, our Earth is probably not as hospitable as we think of it. There are extreme events which happen HERE approx. every 100,000 to tens of millions of years, such as the ice age. We do not have to worry about these events, obviously... however, on other Earthlike planets, these situation may also exist. There is a theory on what happens to intelligent life after such an event. First, if the ice age lasts for a considerable amount of time, this will likely (and ironically), lead to the build up of greenhouse gas. Then what would an ice age mean for a society? That is, would we still be emitting carbon into the air? If so, our oxygen levels would slowly deteriorate... as a result, our biology might be different after some time. Our red blood cell counts would rise and we would grow shorter. As grim as this might sound, this is rooted in scientific fact. Consider Earth at least 300 million years ago. Higher levels of oxygen led to animals that were much larger than today's. Fireflies grew even up to two feet in diameter. So, if we are ever faced by an ice age, or a supervolcano, any life that survives will become smaller. Our lungs will- literally- get smaller. And then, after the ice age, plant life will likely flourish as a result of the high carbon levels. What exactly happens to the composition of the air in this case is pretty much anyone's guess; Would plant life start growing faster than it did before the ice age? Just another thing that one might think about.
Now, besides the increase in carbon, there is also the question, which I've discussed before, about what the cycle of ice ages means when the sun is changing it's phase to a red giant!

The most mysterious phenomena I've ever observed (can you explain?)

What is a singularity!?
I peered through a microscope. I kept on asking myself, what comes next? First I notice a leaf of moss. Then I notice the plant cells. That night I zoomed in ever more, until I realized what the world is made up of. I peered at individual molecules. Inside the molecules were atoms; I zoomed in to see some protons, electrons, etc. zooming around in a sphere. Then I zoomed in on the nucleus. I started notice some smaller particles. And, eventually, I saw the particles moving in wavelike patterns. Eventually, I got to zoom in even more. And, as I did so, I noticed something that was not small at all. It was equally as strange, however. It was the other side of the cosmos! Something that lied tens upon tens of light years away. Something that was not visible through any telescope. At that time, I realized that the universe is based upon a singularity!

Enter the Microscopic Dimension

I have often liked to envision what it must be like at smaller scales of our world. It has been kind of mind boggling, to say the least. Because in doing so, I have assumed we would still be just as we are right now, except smaller. That is, we would still have self awareness, consciousness, and all of the things that go along with the human mind! This is not possible, of course, because it is not possible for something small, such as an ant, to have the such abilities. Or would it? How small can something get and still have these abilities? How small could a brain get while still having the same level of function as our own? It may be seem simple... for me, though, I still have my doubts. I mean, perhaps it is in some way, theoretically achievable in nature.
Would microscopic life, still possibly have senses such as ours? And, if so, then this would be truly astonishing; as it would mean that life at the microscopic level can actually explore its environments much like we do.
Anyhow, here's something that I like to ponder some times. Imagine actually being so small, as to where you can wander around and are aware of microscopic features of the world to which we cannot possibly perceive. In fact, how about this: wouldn't it be neat if in the future, someone could analyze microscopic features of our world, and then make the microscopic realm virtually come to life? One idea of mine would be to actually go ahead and scan something; a "microscape", then make a 3d visualization of it. In other words, make a topographical map of it. Or even make it into a virtual reality. Then we could best imagine what the microscopic realm is like. Then, after all is said and done, it could be like playing video games for an excessive amount of time. You are in your own world, and then once you stop, you feel, well- "schizophrenic". Then it would potentially be astonishing once you entered back into the normal world. Then, once you looked through a microscope, you would be like, "I've been there before". My idea would be to achieve this through the use of technology akin to 3d printing. Although if we were to use a 3d printer, we would most likely need one far larger than the ones currently available. It's called thinking out of the box. I want to be able to be closer to the world that is hidden from our view, even the quantum world. We will be then be able to understand how the world works. Or will we? Imagine this: experiencing atoms as if they were not just in nanometers. As if they were many, many, times larger. So large in fact, that we would be aware of their presence just by our unaided senses! With us on a level that is microscopic enough, they might be like powder, for example. We would start to resolve them. And what would pressure, temperature, and other factors have on us at such a small scale? Don't take this as crazy;
There may be another realm in which this might just be the case. You never know. In our universe alone, the atomic scale is incredibly tiny. And we are relatively giany.  However, in another realm, or "universe", atoms could in fact be far larger. People might not be 10^100x bigger than atoms. They might be 10^5x bigger. We have no chance of ever seeing anything that small in our own little world. Most everything that's microscopic is intangible to us. More like this is on the way.

Something to think about... The mystery of similar planets

Assume we have two planets, and everything about them is the same- orbit, size, etc. Except for one thing. Their atmosphere. Planet A has an atmosphere that is two miles tall; We'll assume this atmosphere has an average density of 100 air molecules per cubic inch. Next, we have planet B, with an atmosphere of density 10,000 air molecules per cubic inch. This atmosphere, however, is ten times lower than planet A. So, planet b's atmosphere, as compared to planet a, is thinner. However, it is also denser at the same time. So, the question now is: how will the planets' climate differ?

Hubble spots galactic mergers

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Friday, January 1, 2016

The Story behind my best photo of the year.

This is one of my most successful photos so far... I have even added it last year to the group called "Your Best Shot 2015".- the link is listed at the bottom of the page- As a result, I think this is why much more people have noticed it. There is an interesting "story" behind this photo. Not the story of how I took it, which is how it usually is, especially with journalists, or national geographic people. Rather how I processed it is what makes the story interesting. I do not really have much access to the full version of Photoshop at all even though I have the original software; I have yet to recover it from my dead computer, however...
I did get a chance to use Photoshop recently on another computer. What I did is I had used the newest version of Photoshop, which I have ever since thought about purchasing. Now, as I have written on Flickr, I had went beyond the traditional way of increasing saturation- that is, by using the saturation and vibrance slider. So, when I opened up this photo in PS, I made a few duplicates of the pictures (and later edited them as layers). The first layer I duplicated twice, then I inverted the second one. I made the bottom layer invisible, and, with the second layer selected, applied an Inversion to it. Next, I selected a blending mode of Luminosity. This effect works wonders whenever you are trying to go for creative negative photos that are not photogenic, but rather artistic. I then merged those visible layers.
After all of this was done, I opened up the original again. Later I merged it with the resulting picture I came up with. Then I adjusted the opacity so that the effect may not be too strong. Then I even tried to make a layer mask. I am not sure why; for some strange reason, I liked the elements of the foreground more like they were in the original. That is, to keep their saturation down. In the end, I had made a couple of versions of this image, one with less saturation in the foreground. Thinking back on it now, I think the reason I wanted this result is so that there is more emphasis on the saturation of the background, particularly on the cliffs. That way, the image is, in a way, more compelling.

For the next step, I applied the blending mode known as Lighten. First, however, I had to make the bottom layer visible again. This gave me a really neat look which I also consider pretty strange at the same time, because of the vivid colors that it had resulted in. I could definitely describe more about this effect some time. I then duplicate the bottom layer another time, and make it invisible; merge the visible layer, then I make the bottom visible again. Then, with the top layer selected- this is the inverted one- I change the blending mode to saturation. Now, interestingly enough, there is another blending mode you could also try- color- which results in similar effects. However, as I have found out with my time experimenting, this is not as reliable as Saturation mode.
The benefits and drawbacks of using this technique...
Now, after the final photo was complete, I have notice,d to my dismay, that there is a drawback to using this method. It has created some, what I would best describe as banding- where colors are uneven; in this case it has to do specifically with color gradients. I am not sure why this occurred. However, since I did not have as much access to Photoshop as I wished for, I have not gotten back to the image- yet. Before I applied this method, I had made several changes to the image which included sharpening it and increasing saturation/vibrance, as well as adjust the levels. I think that this is the reason why the color gradients are not so smooth in the end. What I should have done instead is to apply this effect after I do the sharpening, sat., etc 😕. Anyway, if I had access to PS, I would still be able to manipulate my originals. So, although this technique has had a negative influence on my photos, does not mean it needs to be a drawback for someone else- because it might just have to do with what steps are done first. And, as is in most cases, keep your original images.
Now, let's get to the benefit of this technique. If it has the potential to produce perfect results, then I would consider this technique totally great. It produces an image that is reminiscent to that of film. And personally, I think it is very neat how film reproduces colors. It is quite intriguing- the fact that film and digital technology just doesn't produce the same results. I find that the colors are so accurate in the resulting image, that they literally could not have come out any better. That is, if you follow all of the steps like you should. You learn something new every day, eh?