Monday, January 11, 2016

New Technology Followup

This is kind of a follow up on a recent post of mind regarding future technology. There is some more I was going to get into about cameras. I'll also include some more. A new sensor calls for a curved design. This would supposedly help produce nicer images because the lens would then be parallel with the sensor. We have yet to see this tech in action, even though there are other interesting features coming about in cameras. You know, it's amazing the fact that people are trying out videos in 8k. This would put camcorders into a class of their own. They would be able to produce stills that are as good as the highest resolution modern aps-c cameras; and remember, those that are made for still photos! And video cameras, such as the Blackmagic, even share the feature of uncompressed format. That's probably the one feature that photographers hold on to as the most important. You can open up each frame in photo software, such as PS, and process them. This would definitely lead to a paradigm shift basically. The results would be profound! Because video would then completely blur, or eliminate, the border between video making and photography. Why use a camera for photos, when you can get the same result from a video camera? And you could make these amazing photos at a whopping 30 frames per second...or more!
Drones; these vehicles may just become the next major mode of transportation! This is the next best thing to flying cars. The benefit? It can be programmed to fly anywhere! (As opposed to a helicopter, which is probably less stable). A drone can be made much more stable in fact, because it can be built using many rotors. Now, we might not see any one get into a drone soon. We can however see them be used for mail or product delivery! Yes, that's right; in fact, these kinds of drones would eliminate the need for going "down the street" to get you delivery. It could be programmed in such a way as to fly right into home! Imagine that, huh? Sitting inside and all of a sudden-wham! A drone flies and drops off a package. Wouldn't that be something? And if someone can also fit into a giant one soon, then how about the possibility that drunken people can go for a ride?! One of the neat things about this phenomena would be that we would drones just about everywhere above our heads. And to me, that is a very inspiring thought. School kids could hitch a ride. And then, we wouldn't have fun with lasers no more, unlike what we do with them to planes, which travel miles up. I'm sure it wouldn't be too safe flying just a few tens of meters above ground, given all of the ways which people could mess with you flight. And conversely, it would be truly amusing, wouldn't it? I'm going to make mine into a flying cinema one day. I would give out offers to people for aerial photography. Another idea of mine would be to use the drone on vacation, or when there is an opportunity such as flying from a tall building, to cruise the skyline. Also I would like to take one out to the Grand Canyon to go over the edge there. Theoretically, one could even land it on some of the ledges out there; although there is no possibility that I know of how to get a good landing. A drone would also be helpful in experiencing events such as, for example, independence day. Well, given that... you do this at your own risk of course! Now, how high up will these drones be able to ascend? I would even take one up to "space" to get some more views, especially if you take an RC plane or heli up there. Now imagine taking up smaller drones with you. A whole new world of different perspective becomes visible.
Besides drones, there is another interesting airborne technology that is truly neat: Cubesats. These are just mini satellites. They are generally many times smaller than traditional ones. You could send up your own equipment into space. And, perhaps, some time down the road, we could even use our own satellites to explore space. Astronomy enthusiasts may one day send one up, and return with data about UFOs...before NASA does! 

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