Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Compelling Facts About Alpha Centauri...

Alpha Centauri is officially the closest star system to Earth. And there are probably even more mysteries about this star system to be revealed. In fact, during our lifetime, we might even have a probe venture the whole entire 4.4 light years to the dual star system. One of the stars that make up this system is classed as a class-k star, meaning that this star in particular has the ability to harbor life, and the habitable zone around this star is even larger than that around Earth! So how are we going to reach this star system? First of all, let's get an idea about just how far away this star is. And for sake of comparison, we'll use the planet Jupiter. This planet is about 43.2 light minutes away from us. This just happens to be a remarkable coincidence; because that distance is equal to about 365 million miles. Before we go on, let's how far Pluto is; the distance to pluto is 2.66 billion miles, or 5.5 hours for light to reach. A light year is equal to nearly six trillion miles. So, one light year= 35,064 light hours. 35,064 divided by 5.5= 6375.26, which means that in order to reach our closest starry neighbor would essentially require us to travel an approximate 6,375.26 (amount of trips) to Pluto. In other words, approximately 2.351e+13 miles. A renowned scientist from Russia named Ruslan Belikov, who's a billionaire, has fairly recently pledged to help an avid american astronomer, who works at NASA called Eduardo Bendek. Belikov is proposing to build a spacecraft, or probe, that could reach Alpha Centauri using a combination of solar energy, as well as an extremely powerful laser to accelerate the craft. This project would supposedly allow the craft to travel at nearly 1/4th the speed of light, (the speed of light is estimated at approx. 5,000 miles per second, or twice around the world). The reason for his decision was supposedly the fact that the american's own project to send a relatively tiny telescope (25 cm) into the universe was basically rejected, so Belikov decided to help out. Recent observations of star systems focus more on the entire universe in general, which means that no single star system is really studied in depth, because that would be too costly, according to Bendek. The original story is included in May 21st issue of New Scientist, pg. 26. Quote from pg. 27, paragraph 2: "This could be a a place so bursting with life that it makes Earth look post-apocalyptic". Now that is something to be said!
Just How Feasible Is The Project?!
Now let's talk about the stuff they don't tell us in the magazine. Just how feasible the project" is still up for debate, of course. There are probably more factors to think about than even I can currently think of. One of the issues involved with space travel is the extreme speed associated with space journeys; it does not take much to practically destroy a craft in space. In fact, something as tiny and seemingly fragile as a chip of paint is enough to cause a major dent in a spacecraft, especially if it is going several times faster than that of current spacecraft. So, while the project is an extremely interesting idea, it comes with some serious issues that must first be solved. There is an immense amount of cosmic debris floating around, and much of it is much more than just a chip of paint! Then comes the issue involving accelerating the craft; in order to accelerate a craft to 20 percent the speed of light, means that the spaceship might undergo extreme forces. And this is especially true if we decide to send people to another place in the universe some day. Such speed would require lots of time to accelerate the craft, so that the passengers do not die! Could we use Belikov's spaceship and give it some other form of propulsion, such as fusion, to make it travel even faster? The craft must be able withstand extreme temperatures and it might even need to travel through corrosive gas clouds. It would probably require greater skill in creating as compared to a Mars Rover. To reach the planet that you want, is phenomenally difficult; Especially is you do not know which planet you are trying to land on! Reaching and landing on one of the moons in our solar system has already proven difficult enough, yet reaching a world that is almost four and a half light years away is a whole other story. It would be something like trying to throw a projectile from the Earth into a basketball net on Pluto! Definitely not easy, as planets are constantly in motion. In fact, a craft to reach our nearest neighboring star would likely need gravity assists from many planets, making the task much more herculean than ever. These are at least some of the most important issues that scientists will need to overcome in the next few decades or so, if we hope to ever reach this "territory" in space.
However, there is one critical thing to keep in mind. To explain this, here is an example: as late as the 18th century or so, many people probably still thought that it would be totally impossible to achieve travel between hundreds or thousands of miles withing a matter of a few hours. Until we created cars, of course. And closer to the 21st century, we are noticing technology that was very recently thought of as simply "impossible". So, space travel to or from a distant solar system might seem impossible now; or is it?! Even though practically all places in this universe are currently practically impossible to get to, there are still scientists who still think that there are "shortcuts" to be found. And sometimes, all it takes, is some common sense; that is what will take us above and beyond, and give us that "Aha!" moment, and that will make use realize that the solution was right beside us; and maybe we just didn't think outside of the box, or maybe it was simply a single mistake that we made when trying to find the solutions, to the cosmic issues facing us today.
Hey, thanks for reading! Take a moment today to listen to some of my cosmic music! This is the music that makes me a better critical thinker! (and listen to the other "cosmic voices" on my profile!) https://soundcloud.com/macm545 

Well, it turns out that Europa is not as hostile as once thought, until now! Research has just shown that is is not totally unlikelt that life exists, beneath one of the moons of Jupiter. More compelling and astonishing info will be presented regarding our closest star, up next! http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/other-shows/videos/stephen-hawkings-universe-europas-

Incredible, all time heat records recorded across much of Thailand!


Extreme Heat Coming to America


Friday, May 27, 2016

Astounding News today. A person on the ground, or as I like to call them, "Ground Patrol" notices lightning...from 400 miles away!!!! And another thing that is quite is that the headline reads as though it were a paranormal event, something that's written on rare occasions online or in articles regarding ghostly activity. Watch the evidence https://vimeo.com/168060384

New Music Coming Up

Hi; I've just created a new album.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A New Study Has Just Revelead Key Facts About Life's Origins!

And, as strange as it might seem, it turns out that it has more in common with solar activity than previously thought.http://gizmodo.com/astronomers-might-have-just-solved-a-key-mystery-about-

Incredible News Today!

This week brings with it some truly impressive news involving weather! First comes the update about the wildfire that has been raging in Canada, and something astonishing has occured https://www.wunderground.com/news/fort-mcmurray-wildfire-smoke-travels-europe
Severe low level storm clouds in Texas reach astonishing heights https://www.wunderground.com/news/thunderstorm-cruising-altitude-commercial-aircraft
https://www.wunderground.com/video/top-stories/?video=1898565525; Amazing storm clouds
"Surreal" news regarding "climate change"https://www.wunderground.com/news/portland-school-district-bans-climate-change-denying-materials
City narrowly misses several tornadoes, and incredible weather over great plains! https://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/odds-of-a-weekend-tropical-depression-rise-dodge-city-dodges-multiple

"Climate Change" vs Terrorism

Climate Change seems to be the presidents most critical topic these days, unless of course, another president takes over and declares something else more important. As of right now however, terrorism is not even considered one of the top five most important issues facing America, according to our president! Carbon emissions must be controlled?! PSSSH...NO, THEY SHOULDN'T! That will be harmful to us. It will take my garden much longer to grow fully. I don't want to wait another few weeks or so when fall comes and it will be too late for the garden! Anyhow, getting back on topic, so what I would like to talk about, and the reason for why I titled this post "Climate Change vs Terrorism", is the fact that with all of this critical talk about climate change might eventually become more relevant to terrorism than we currently think of it; Because, you see, I have just realized something unthinkable; that there might very well be a hidden agenda about climate change, one which none of us has ever even considered before, and so therefore it remain so mysterious. Because eventually, climate change (or the fact that we are enforcing such critical attention to our climate) can eventually turn back on us in a way that pretty much none of us has ever thought of before. And this would not have to do with plants, or farming, or even climate whatsoever. It could set the stage for something even more ominous, that is already happening relatively frequently in today's world and has been for the last few decades. What I am trying to get across, and I have been truly astonished by this, is the fact that the next terrorist attack could be influenced by the fact that the topic of climate change and global warming is so feverishly discussed about and the debates that are associated with it. So please, do not go around enforcing the "fact" that climate change is true and we must reduce carbon emissions. Because such restrictions could eventually lead to our downfall. Let's discuss this even further; how does this work?! In other words, how could we become so naive and ignorant? This is because the topic of climate change and global warming makes us ignorant of even the most important issues that face us today. And this ignorance is what can quite possibly cause the rise in violence around the world. This is not a proven concept. Yet it is one of my theories on how politics seem to work these days, particularly in America. And my objective in writing such things has definitely not been to necessarily assume any political view. It has just been my opinion. The thing is, when we think about terrorism alone, we are also ignorant. In fact, I think we are extremely ignorant. First of all, when we think about terrorism, the first word that could very likely come up to mind is the Middle East. And while that is true, I think that there is much more to terrorism than what the american people care to acknowledge. For it is not only the people of the Middle East who participate in terrorism. In fact, as astonishing as it might seem, terrorism is also practiced by americans! The very fact that we go out and attack other nations means that we have decided that we will too be aggressors on this Earth. And while we attack the Middle East, they will continue to attack us. For our acts of violence, we will pay for acts of war as well as the Middle Eastern people as well. Unless, of course, an alternative action is taken (finally!). For instance, and for sake of comparison, Al Qaida's attacks on september 11, 2001 have caused an economic dent of about 500k dollars, while all of the American warfare that has been conducted in the Middle East is equivalent to trillions, the exact amount that I cannot account for. And this is the battle of evils, and as we have noticed in EVERY war throughout all of history, there is essentially no winner in war.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Natural Climate Change Pt. 2

This post goes somewhat off topic as compared to my next recent, to address the theories of climate change.
There is also the threat of ice ages somewhere over the horizon. How are we to deal with such a massive problem? And so comes the theory of global warming, in which we are to emit more and more dubious amounts of gasses, mostly carbon, in order to offset the threat of an ice age. How does this work?! Well, in this day and age, we are having a truly difficult time trying to figure out just how. Unlike the ice age, the planet is extremely full of plants, which capture carbon. And they release water vapor, which helps to keep nights warmer than normal. They do not necessarily cool the planet. Instead, plants help moderate world climate. If CO2 concentrations that are too abundant, then plants will tend to stop growing any quicker More info. And so CO2 concentrations will never warm the Earth anymore than it already has, because if the CO2 levels keep rising, plants will keep growing. And since they will keep making oxygen, the CO2 will almost certainly become more and more diluted. Now we still need to solve the riddle even further. Because while plants emit water vapor, the most potent greenhouse gas ever known to man, water vapor is just not the same as Carbon. Because the qualities of water vapor that help in moderating the Earth's climate are also the same qualities that can potentially create new climates, in which there will be more climate extremes, in fact. However, who says that these climate extremes will be more so potent that the extremes that exist today? That is the million dollar question. Because clouds created due to the release of water vapor can cool the Earth during the day, and they don't always exist during the nighttime. Or the situation can be completely reversed, and clouds will only exist during the nighttime, and go away during the day. However, eventually, everything returns to normal. And because of this, climate consists simply of cycles. And eventually, normal weather may switch to "extreme". And I strongly think that this is how it is here on Earth. And it is the very reason for why we have such difficulties in forecasting and modeling the climate; because it's incredibly complex, and variable, as well as chaotic.

Natural Climate Change

It is frequently heard on science shows and the like about how the sun will someday grow much larger, and how the Milky Way is set to collide at approximately the same time with Andromeda. However, I "beg to differ" so to say. Because what's really more important to us at this time, even though the latter can be pretty fascinating, is the fact that in the meanwhile, the sun is doing the exact opposite. In order to become larger than it currently is, however, it must first start to become smaller. And that is exactly what is happening. The sun is currently decreasing in size, and in the meanwhile, the light from the sun is becoming more intense. And to add to all of this whole mess, the moon is constantly retreating further and further away from Earth. Even though the rate at which it retreats might not seem like much to many (if not everybody), over the Earth whole entire timeline, this retreat will some day prove to be absolutely immense, and we will most likely be left without a moon on day. As it turns out, the moon will get far enough away from our Earth that it will most likely be attracted to another planet or cosmic object. This type of event would certainly set a new chain of events into motion. For instance, the moon could collide into Mars, after which Mars would certainly be transformed into something different, and it is extremely likely and probable, that a new planet, or at least moon, would be formed as a result of this process. So this is yet another process that will transpire probably long before the sun even begins it's "journey" in time to becoming a much larger star. And besides, by the time that the sun becomes so large as to start massive heat waves here on Earth, there will likely be deluge full of absolute conundrums that will start to occur here on Earth; and one of the main reason for this occurrence would be that the moon will have retreated far enough from the Earth as to cause our seasons to become far less stable. And so the point is that, while we may currently worry about climate change, there is still the future (especially looking really far down the future); and it is not simply a matter of "will it become warmer, or will it become colder here on Earth". The truth of the matter is that there is practically nothing at all that we can do to affect the Earth's climate. A volcanic eruption has the ability to cause far more changes in weather patterns. Even small volcanoes (they do not need to be super volcanoes) have the ability to create new micro climates and simultaneously change the global average temperature over some time. Now, there are also volcanoes called super volcanoes, which can be far, far more potent. Probably the most famous example of such a volcano would be Yellowstone. Now, how exactly do volcanoes manipulate the climate. First of all, this is a really great example of what is known as climate change, albeit it is not something that is influenced by man. Volcanoes do not simply cool, or warm, the planet, as it might seem to many. Eventually what occurs is that once a massive enough amount of debris becomes released by a volcano, it tends to lower the temperature of the surrounding air. Yet before all of that happens, there is first a release of two types of gasses. These gasses are some of the main factors to consider when trying to study natural climate change. One of these gasses is Carbon, which as many know, increases world temperatures, hypothetically speaking that is. The other forms of gas which are released by volcanic activity would be Sulfates. And these are the gasses that help in cooling the Earth, as they absorb approximately ten times less solar energy as compared to Oxygen itself. Carbon meanwhile absorbs about ten times as much solar energy as oxygen. Now, it would probably also be important to consider the fact that volcanoes are responsible for reflecting much of the solar energy, due to the fact that they are so immense, and their peaks are very often snow capped. The dark, black rocks that are often produced by these volcanoes have an interesting ability, which probably remains unknown to most people even today. I have written about this exact phenomena years ago when I first started this blog. This is a very common aspect of volcanic rocks found in Hawaii; it's their ability to filter out Carbon itself. And, over time, it is also likely that this carbon is emitted.

Solar Energy going down

Solar Energy is going down, according to this link. At least the amount of UV radiation being emitted seems to be decreasing http://spaceweather.com/images2016/23may16/goes-xray-flux.gif?PHPSESSID=8jiik5gfgvp9ndcb5ssra89rk0

What is more important; Wealth, or knowledge?

This will be the next topic for my blog. Stay tuned for updates and read about my opinion on this philosophy topic.

What To Do This Week

I need to get back to manipulating music and sending them to the Cloud, eh? ANd maybe then we can hear more stories


https://www.wunderground.com/news/severe-weather-forecast-plains-late-may; MEANWHILE, this is the weather forecast for my area; very well going for the garden
the month that brings with it the most storms in general would be May. However, the most severe in would be right about the end of June here in Michigan. At least that 's the times of year which they can be most powerful, not necessarily most frequent. Yet other months here can also produce some serious weather events. Not really any major tornadoes in Michigan during my life, yet. Then we have the season of fall, which can also bring some wild weather, including one such event which happened one day last year during the end of October or some time of November and which brought with it well over 100 tornadoes during a single event over southern MI as well as places in Indiana

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Is The Meaning Of Life According To An Atheist (Written by M'CHECK)

As you might have noticed, I frequently write about things regarding the "supernatural", or simply delve into the things that are truly philosophical. Yet I think that these kinds of topics, at least many of them, may have more in common with science itself than just philosophy! Today I have written about what the meaning of life could be according to an atheist, although it could also involve many other kinds of people. So, "What Is The Meaning Of Life According To An Atheist?"
No matter who you are, I think life has the same purpose; accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. Why would this be so? After all, this is one of those times in life where you feel at your most happy. And it also leads to really strong feelings of content, and rightly so. This is great. Because, as it turns out, accomplishment is not just "fun"; it is also important as a life skill. And so when we feel great about it, that is usually more than just what we could term "A temporary high". Most all things that make us feel great are just that. They're temporary. So accomplishing what you set out to accomplish is pretty much the purpose of life, according to me, regardless of whether you're an atheist or not. There are some other things that are just as great as accomplishment, except that they are usually only good for the short run. Accomplishment is arguably the most inspiring moment in life. The reason for this is that, we can't just sit back. It is very critical that we learn to contribute to ourselves as well as society in general. What does it exactly mean that accomplishment is great "for the long run?" Well, this is pretty self explanatory, and means that unlike other life events, such as (for instance) finding something, accomplishment is not only something that you think is important; It actually is important. For people who are not atheists, their meaning to life would be mostly to become more spiritual. However, life is not about that for everyone.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

This will be the next topic on this blog. That is, What is Atheists' view on the meaning of life?


What do you think about this story? To me, it sounds incredible. How could it be, that the oldest living person has gon unknown for such a while? Meet someone who supposedly has been alive for well over 200 years, with evidence linked to The New York Times as well as supposed documents which indicate that he's been alive well before 1900. http://greenlifes.net/news/1771-the-oldest-man-in-the-world-256-years-breaks-the-silence-before-his-death-and-reveals-its-secrets-to-the-world.html

What Raw Materials Go Into Making Particles & The Building Blocks Of The Cosmos!?

I have another intriguing Question going on in my mind!!! So here: "Does our own consciousness affect reality, beyond just that which is due to our perception?" In other words, I'm not just saying something like "Well yeah, it affects other people's emotions and well being, as well as your action are shaped by you consciousness "; obviously, it is the consciousness that propels us, or influences us, into making decision that therefore change reality by us physically manipulating it. However, if we are for whatever reason unable to do so, then are we out of luck? Why is the universe so limited? Why is it so that we can't juts think something and it will propel a change in reality that would fo beyond just that of our physical ability? Why can't we ever obtain the supernatural abilities that we were always meant to obtain?! After all, I have already mentioned before and tried to draw people's attention towards the possible fact that nature itself comes from "something", another realm- one that has a much deeper meaning to the universe as a whole- just as everything artificial, or man made, comes from nature. And what we notice in today's world is the constant draw of many many people, and probably most all of the world population, to pay more attention to the things given to us, that is, everything that has been taken from nature and transformed into products. Yet many people also tend to live primitive lives in this world. And yet those are the people who are usually more attuned, or closer, to nature. They tend to stay away from things that are not organic, for instance. That would be one of the benefits to the natural way of life. Yet, if you are reading this right now, you are probably still missing out on the point of the whole post. For we need to have the desire to strive to be closer not just to nature itself, yet we need to strive to become ever closer to the realm from which nature originates. Nature would include everything in the universe. Atoms, particles, and everything in the microscopic universe of things, has been produced; not by human means. Yet all of those things can still be considered products; and they originate from an unknown realm. This is the realm...of the supernatural! Or, could it be something else? If the materials from which artificial products here on Earth are made from nature, then what could we discover further?; The particles of this universe, are they not made from raw materials as well? Yet this leaves us with an absolutely mind boggling question: Where do these materials come from? And where does the source of all of these things originate? This is an incredibly interesting question. And a close minded person could not have possibly devised such a question...right?

Transparent Wood Created!!!

The Ring of Fire is becoming more and more active these recent months, with several major eruptions, as well as at least a few major quakes of magnitude 6.5 or higher. In fact, Mt. Helens itself is starting to ramp up in activity, with many earthquakes that have been recorded there over the last week or so. And now the question becomes... "Is there something more serious on the horizon?" Is all of this activity just a coincidence? I seriously doubt it. While the ring of fire (around the Asian & North American continents) is pretty active just about always, these recent times it has been even more so. I am not sure about how many quakes there have been very recently; However, the amount of eruptions in particular, have become more and more common, at an alarming rate. Will Yellowstone now start to rumble more and more? And does this not alarm any of the readers?! We are overdue for that explosion, you know?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Importance of A Great Speaker

Today I have something really serious to talk about. Since taking class with one of my profs at LCC, I realize that he is very inspirational. It has less to do with anything he says. Rather, it is how he says stuff that is truly neat. He is a really great speaker. And I am an extremely open minded person. And once in a while, I come upon a thought that's really "out there". And once I receive an intriguing idea, I am then almost immediately compelled to discuss it with others, and to go on Yahoo Answers and ask people about it. And so, as a result, many might think that I am simply a "fool", or that I am just  "trolling". That was never my intent, however. It is truly depressing, you know?! Because the things, or ideas, that I have come up with are nothing short of astounding. And although these are serious, they migh start out as jokes initially. And I think that's where people have this "Strange" habit (so to say), that once they start reading my blog posts, or one of my questions, and they have to take a moment and say to themselves, "Hey, this just is not right". And that's where I would disagree with such people as these. Because what really isn't right, is to just listen and have information "go out of the other ear". Know what I am getting at here?! Alright; now, I am truly compelled to become a great speaker and speak in the same exact way as my prof. does. This should make people listen to what I have to say. My prof.'s speaking ability is absolutely groundbreaking sometimes. I just cannot wait to actually speak, and to not just write about this. In fact, I think that the fact is that I am becoming to realize that we are living in the midst of a world which loves ignorance, or at least is extremely close minded. We listen to what kids and people like them have to say...and often times, these things may be fairy tales and non realistic. However, what if all of a sudden we decided that we should try and take more and more meaning out of the crazy things people have to say? After all, the way the human mind works a lot, is much like a dream. A dream in which random things start to appear in a person's mind, and which make a truly compelling story after all is "said and done". That is one of the things I have realize about life. Is that I often receive really strange and random thoughts in my mind; and these thoughts, however, collectively turn out to make something that is extremely tantalizing. And I think that these random thoughts are the key to something greater that's out there; something that we don't really understand, because we are too closed minded as a society in general. No matter how crazy (or insane) someone's thoughts are, don't just ignore those thoughts. Don't just let them get away and end up being a "waste of your time", as we like to call them. Instead, try to make sense and meaning out of them. Because no thought is devoid of meaning. No thought. No matter how out of this world it might seem. So now it seems as though life is starting to take on a paradigm shift. LITERALLY

Paint in 3d?

Now you can paint in 3 dimensions!!! http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/09/arts/google-tilt-brush/index.html?sr=fbCNN051016google-tilt-brush0210PMVODtop

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Truths About World Climate Over Time

Let me present to you, some very compelling scientific facts about climate and how it works. This will be the next topic for my blog. Topics that will be discussed will include: The role of various gasses and H2O in climate, and how they likely interact over extended periods of time over Earth's history.
I have been researching this topic quite extensively over recent times. And so far, I have learned some really compelling information. One of the less conventional sources from which I "inherit" all of this information is (surprisingly) Yahoo! Answers. I have now begun a "discussion" there, which is actually just a question. And the responses are truly something. They are helping me to learn much more than I would ever have dreamed about when it relates to climate. Maybe I can sometime discuss this, as well as other topics, with actual scientists. No joke. So please follow this blog to stay updated on my findings! Spoiler alert: The increase in gasses in our atmosphere, especially when it's water vapor, is likely to result in more moderate (milder) climates around the world in general. There is surely no consensus on climate extremes. Remember, for now I have tried to come up with theories, and it is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to prove/disprove my theories. However, I have promised pretty much from the beginning, that everything that I write will be based upon true scientific data and facts. And the flaws need to be compensated for. For instance, various sources are releasing info that is flawed, at least IMO anyhow. And there will come the paradoxical nature of CO2 in particular. In this instance, data indicates that it is not CO2 that is likely to increase average temperatures around the world. Instead, it is the other way around; that CO2 increases after temperature increases. This is surely one topic that needs to be comprehensively studied, and no one knows just how long it will take for all of the puzzle pieces to come together so we can at least get an idea about how our Earth works. The Earth has its own ways of compensating for changes in weather. This post, once published, will probably be updated time after time again, as I am able to gather more compelling information. Is that good?

How Many New Planets Discovered Just Now?!

https://ww/NowThisNews/videos/1061967333893390/ This is a very neat video, please watch, I will not explain all of the data here

The Sun Has The Ability To Manipulate More Than Just Weather!!!!

Welcome back to my blogs. This time, I'd like to write about the question, "What is the greatest risk to Earth?!" In order to figure this out, I would refer you to this Youtube video. Because as it turns out, the effects on Earth from the Sun are not only limited to causing aurora and manipulating weather. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVgUZv9ccyQ. Thank you for reading! Have you ever read that cosmic phenomena many light years away, can manipulate weather (clouds) here on Earth?! See, this is just one of the hundreds or so examples that I've written about extensively here, and you should follow these writings, or else you are pretty much missing out on some seriously compelling, and astounding, information; Information that I would hope you would all find fascinating, and maybe it will enable you the reader to come up with your own theories as well as questions regarding such topics, even though it does not deal with everyday life. I have found myself another side of life, which would the less rational side of life, which does not have to deal so much with science because it has a more open minded focus, so to say. And sadly enough, many of you (I'm afraid!) are finding these writings as pure "nonsense". That's what I've found out so far; that I'm just about convinced of the very fact that many people that I know of, just want to remain ignorant when it has to do with such blogs. And you know, that has been really truly difficult.(M'check)
I know, I have been trying to veer off topic many times. However, this was not meant to discourage you. It was just meant to add a little bit of interesting and humor to the topics that I discuss here on this blog. A few years ago, I have written that earthquakes are caused by the Sun's magnetic field. And initially, just like you, I was truly astonished and couldn't think of this hypothesis as true. How can something that's several millions of miles away, cause earthquakes here on Earth?! That sounds crazy; I know. However, I now have evidence (if not proof!) of this phenomena! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlWopdjMrBE Unfortunately, many people will think that I'm posting spam on FB. You know what, that is just really sad! It's sad that people look upon my writings in this way. (Kind of depressing I suppose, that I am losing FB friends for this reason. I suppose people there are way too offended by reality itself. If you cannot deal with it, then yeah, I suppose you've all made the right choice; to disconnect, and I am now banned from these people. All of this is just plain ignorance. Is this really how things were meant to be? It's as if I'm a lost person who's nowhere with these blogs. Yet I supposed that's been one of the reason why I have become such a splendid writer.) I suppose you would still just be ignorant...

The Scale Of The Universe

This is one truly atonishing video regarding our cosmos. I have searching for it for quite a while now, so that I could post it into my blogs. So, here is the video:https://wwfoo/videos/10153324299714245/; Thanks

It Just Doesn't Make Sense

Why, why is a Serrano so much spicier to me than a Habanero is? A whole Habanero isn't even as spicy to me as one 25th or so of a Serrano. Now, I have recently bought six or so various hot chiles. Ghost Peppers I did not bring with me, simply because they are unnecessarily hot, and also because they're kind of expensive. Although, I must admit, they are probably delicious once diluted in a mixture or substance. My favorite chilies include Cayenne, Jalapeno, . I think Habanero's pretty good although I think the previous chilies are probably way better, at least that's what I think so far. I can eat a Habanero as if it were a dash of mild hot sauce...literally! I also like the taste of Kung Pao. How is it possible for a freaking Habanero to be less potent than a Serrano?! Seriously, how?! Does it have to do no just with heat? Just compare them on a heat scale. It just doesn't make sense? Are my senses simply screwed up?!

Telepathy via UV light rays?!

Sounds crazy, I know. And the first time that I have heard about this ability was from a friend who is reading a book about the paranormal and metaphysics, as well as the purported ability of our minds to interact with the physical world without any external help, that is, that the mind can actually "control" physical things, and manipulate them. Anyways, so that's what I though; that this was my first time hearing this. It wasn't. After listening to her tell me about the book, it started to dawn on me; I have read about this; not in a paranormal book...yet in a scientific book! And I have actually heard it on the TV as well. The theory of using UV light rays in order to communicate more efficiently. Yes, that's right. I know this might completely sound like a fairy tale.

Our Climate Profile

Good afternoon from America. I will be starting on my new project, which will be called "Our Climate Profile" and it will be an ambitious attempt to document some of my own independent research on the climate. So far, I have gathered lots of extensive data on the climate only here in America, and especially my home state of Michigan. We are situated closer to the equator rather than the arctic (The North Pole). And we are on an altitude of between 700 and 800 feet, and surrounded on three sides by Great Lakes, making us just short of an island. That makes our continental climate have a rather major influence from another climate, one that's marine. And still, we have a pretty drastic weather swings, with the weather being able to change withing mere minutes. So, for the record; 2014 & '15 were most likely our coldest years ever, at least on record. Although there have been colder days in the past, once it got frigid the winter of 2014 to 2015, it stayed that way for just about all of winter, and every other day the temperatures seemed to dip into the subzeros. One day, the seventh of January 2014, was the most frigid time of my whole entire life. That's when the high was a mere eight degrees F. However, that day, unlike just about all of the rest of that winter, the air was still without any wind. Throughout the rest of winter (January and so on), the days never really got colder however. All of this was caused by the Polar Vortex. Although the highs were not getting much colder, there came a time sometime in February, when the coldest nighttime cold spell invaded Michigan. That's when the lower peninsula set a record low of -39 degrees F, while temperatures around my hometown, in Eaton County, dipped all of the way down to at least -20 degrees F (about -30 degrees C) at 3:00 am. Meanwhile, in other regions of the Midwest, the situation was far worse. For instance, near the Canadian border, temperatures dipped to -40 degrees F in January. The lows here in the US were considerably colder than the summertime highs were well, high; Usually, an intense heat wave over the US causes temps to rise about 25 degrees F above average. Yet here in the Midwest, the temps fell a staggering 50 degrees below average in several areas! I have always wondered about these weather anomalies...whether or not they were just here and now (if they were just a once upon a time occurrence), or if they would keep happening over the next many years. So, in order to figure all of this out, practically the only way to know for sure is to keep records around. In Mid March 2013, the temps were already into the mid 80's; the same kinds of temperatures that replaced the nighttime temperatures in August even before then! As for rapid temperature changes, I have not really noticed any during my life.
Now, towards the end of July (the 24th) of 2015, something truly remarkable happened. Snow!...in Colorado, that is. Still, that is extremely impressive. They are at a latitude much lower than Michigan.

Denne musik er stor. Er det ikke ?


Denna musik är stor . Är det inte?


Cette musique est grande . N'est-ce pas?


Эта музыка велика . Это не?

Diese Musik ist großartig . Es ist nicht? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoiEkEuCWog

Massive Volcanic Explosion Caught Up close on camera!


Friday, May 13, 2016


Welcome! I am here to write about many questions; Any (or many) of these questions that I have, and will post, could be the "ultimate" question. We just need to stay open minded and trust that I'm not crazy. That is the only possible way you could understand what I am trying to get across. And please, take a moment to follow these blogs and/or leave any suggestions. Unfortunately, I have never encountered any one who has been brave enough to do any of these things. It's both a shame and a disappointment, that's for sure. And it is definitely causing depression among my mind. These are difficult times...For the summary of some of the most astounding questions to ever have been discusses, please follow this link: http://etsandghosts.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-fascinating-universe.html

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Earth, And Life, As A Placebo. The Origins of Nature, VS The Origins Of Everything That Is Artificial;

There is A Placebo In My life. And You Know what they all call it?! Earth, that's what the placebo is. And that's what our lives are a lot. It's practically all just an illusion for now. "I am a fool to some. However, aren't we all fools?"...The truth is that...They be laughing at our face saying "Wake up you need to make a living". So, what I'm trying to get across is simply the fact that we are all distracted from what's relevant and what is actually important. Right?! We will spend the rest of our lives thinking. And whatever we will be thinking, it will be ultimately be about something totally irrelevant. Again, we will always remain distracted by everything that is clouding our view of what's truly important. We need to look beyond the "mundane" of our everyday lives, and think about the more interesting aspects of reality, such as, for example, the supernatural occurrences in the world. Ghosts, Native American legends that are thought of as fact, etc. etc. Now, I have written comprehensive about this when I indicated that there are three "realms" to the universe. The first would basically be Earth, on which everything is man made. The second would be what we commonly know of as "nature". And yet there is an even more astounding realm, which would be more natural than nature itself. Because nature is just a product of this realm, and has been created through natural processes, just as people create products from nature. Sure, they are natural alright. Yet they are also artificial. And so, the fact that I am trying to get across here on these blogs is that everything in nature came from something even more original. Natural means more original than artificial, however there is nothing to say or indicate that nature is the most original aspect at which the state of the universe exists. It had to come from something perhaps. There is nothing to indicate that that something was something that we know think of, such as an entity. No, we do not know that. Just as everything artificial has its origins in nature, ultimately it is nature that has its own origin. One from which the raw materials were used to make a secondary realm, nature. However, let me explain that this is just saying that there is cold, warm, and hot. That is not truly the case, is it? It's just variable degrees of the same. For instance, hot is actually extremely warm, and cold, warm, and hot are essentially the same things.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Favorite Musicians (female)

Oh so I really got it wrong with all of these languages I was trying to translate into. Well, now it's in english and perfect. I do not want to go back and update each one, that would be practically a waste of time. I just wrote that so to just find out if people from foreign countries would see my writings. So here are some of the most compelling female musicians of our modern generations. I am still tring to figure this all out with the other musicians I always get their names wrong and their place of origin and all that just totally off and incorrect
Selena Gomez, 
Taylor Swift 
Ariana Grande 
Bebe Rexha 
Bea MIller 
Avril Lavigne 
charli xcx 
Tori Kelly 
Cher Lloyd
Mo, Alessia Cara

The Most Mysterious Star Of The Universe


Saturday, May 7, 2016

You Should Read This; Some Extremely Interesting Info

If you want more info, please follow the link http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/05/mailbag-1.html#respond Again, follow my blogs for more interesting data from external sources as well as myself from my own independent research into philosophy, science, and the mindful...

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Statistics and Numbers of This Universe

The Universe (in General), in numbers; Intro
  1. This post will be about the Universe, in numbers. Or, more specifically speaking, it describes the phenomenal statistics behind much of what we already know of. So, give this information, let's analyze the universe and it's wonders:
  2. .000000000005th of a particle of oil for every particle of air necessary to be detected by humans (less than one billionth, or 5 trillionth) when it has to do with the "smell of rain"
  3. Lightning can be up to 5 times as hot as the surface of the sun
  4. 6 For every 1,000 feet of elevation here on Earth, the temperature drops by about this many degrees F
  5. 10 of the world's tiniest nations that could fit into the Houston, TX area
  6. 25 indicates the lowest pressure ever recorded on Earth and is the minimum number of inches of Mercury at the Barometer when reading was taken
  7. 25.6= Approx. Magnitude limit of the HST
  8. A bear is 50 times as sensitive to smell as Bloodhounds. Meth is thought, or estimated, to be about 50 times as potent as Cocaine in terms of how much Dopamine it releases
  9. 65 or so degrees F is the Average estimated Global Temperature (or so they say anyways...)
  10. Upper Atmospheric Lightning can rise as high as apporximately 75 miles
  11. 134.1 °F= Hottest temp record on Earth
  12. 305 is the highest wind speed (in MPH) ever recorded by natural phenomena
  13. The lowest Temperature ever recorded on Earth has been at about 125 degrees F below 0, and was found in an extremely isolated region of Antarctica, making it only a very localized spot, or pocket, or air
  14. 475= Approx. number of degrees below 0 F, Which is =to 0 K, and at which Helium and Hydrogen are not a gas
  15. 750= Approx. Speed of sound
  16. 1,000 Drops of RTX are equivalent to 1 drop Capsaicin (or the oil of chiles)
  17. 8,000= Approx. speed of Earth @ the equator
  18. 10,000 viruses could fit end on end in 1 mm
  19. 25,000= Approximate Circumference of Earth
  20. The radius of the Milky Way is 60,000 LY 
  21. 65,536= Total amount of colors that are able to be rendered in 16 bit photos
  22. There are 100,000 NM in one CM
  23. 120,000= Height, in feet, at which Aurora occur, and at which most of the solar energy becomes repelled by Earth's magnetic field; This is also a number that indicates the diameter of the Milky Way
  24. 125,000= Light Second in miles
  25. 239,856=Avg distance to the moon in miles
  26. Sharks are 300,000 times less sensitive to blood than people are to the "scent of rain" 239,856=Avg distance to the moon
  27. 5mil approx. number of atoms that could fit in a mm
  28. The Human eye can perceive approximately 10 million colors. Also, there are this many NM in 1CM
  29. 550mil=Number of pixels in one of the highest resolution cameras; NASA's Dark Energy Camera; A newer version of camera technology has resulted in a camera with 750 mil pixels, although it is quite possible that even higher res exists nowadays
  30.  A meter contains 1 billion NM
  31. 3tri= The hottest temperature in F to ever have been created by people and known to science
  32. 6tri= Approx number of miles in a light year
  33. 281tri=Number of colors that can be rendered in a 42 bit photo
Check back for any updated info!!!

Extraterrestrial Lightning...?

Todayh Weather Channel had their program about otherworldly weather. In that episode they discuss UAL, or upper atmospheric lightning. This makes me wonder what Light phenomena must exist on other planets similar to Earth. You know, because this form of lightning, which can spread out for many miles and up for tens and tens of miles into the ionosphere (which is where the solar wind interacts with extremely thin air, creating a layer made up of incredibly sparse, yet equally as energetic, solar energy, or particles including neutrons, protons, etc.) lasts for extremely short durations of time. So, if we had an atmosphere that were, say much thinner than that of Earths yet it were to be equally as energetic closer to the surface (equal or more storm energy as compared to Earth) and that planet were to somehow be just as warm as our dear Earth, then the storms there would have to be phenomenal. What we call upper atmospheric lightning here on Earth may be a daily occurence near the surface of another Earthlike planet! At least I suppose that such a planet may be habitable. And then, how about the upper atmospheric lightning there!? We can only guess for now, eh? How about lightning on another planet with far higher atmospheric density?! It sure was interesting to find out that this form of lightning could be far hotter than that of regular lightning. So, other planets may definitely benefit from this phenomena, given that those types of conditions exist there. Thinner atmosphere= smaller greenhouse effect; so I suppose that hotter lightning could be a really good benefit, albeit lasting only a infinitesimally tiny portion of a second. And then, pretty soon, and unfortunately,~ all of the heat generated by these phenomena~ it would be forced to radiate all of the way into space. And the there could be an extraterrestrial atmosphere composed of a different concentration of gasses as opposed to Earth. Perhaps the air there is composed primarily of Nitrogen, which might turn the lightning there colorful. And to add to just how mysterious the universe is, maybe there is life that relies not on O2, Carbon, or Nitrogen, but instead, on Hydrogen? Helium? Methane?



Major Wildfires in Canada

No, this does not have to do with the ring of fire, despite the fact that it's become noticeably more active very recently (in recent weeks), with the simultaneous eruption of three volcanoes followed by one in NZ, as well as Japan, as well as major quakes in Japan & Ecuador that have occured https://www.wunderground.com/news/fort-mcmurray-alberta-wildfire

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The World's Most Volatile Chemicals; Comparing PH to Mag. (Chemistry meets Astronomy)

First, let's start off with the most potent acid ever known to man: Rated as over 30 units below zero on the PH scale. This makes it 10^31st power worse than the acid found in our stomach. When it comes to bases, the most powerful are replaced every year, as new substances are discovered. So, here's an interesting question for you: If you wanted to dilute this acid, so that it would become so close to neutral as to no more be able to taste it, how many PPM of this acid would you need to dilute in water?! Or, put another way, if you had a drop of it, how much water would you need?! Well, that question I am not really sure of, although for some reason, to me it seems incredibly intriguing.
Now, let me go off topic here for a little bit. I seriously doubt that this would relate at all to this topic, however I am very compelled to think about Magnitude as it relates to stars. Because the scale shares so much in common with the PH scale. So, I was wondering, could we imagine PH of a substance, by simply comparing it to how bright stars are? In that case, a mag. 7 star would be neutral (which is right around the limit of human vision), while planets are usually about a few magnitudes bright.
The PH Scale Can Be Compared To Magnitude of Stars?! (Analogy)

Meanwhile, Wouldn't you agree? So although we might not know for sure without researching, now we'll move to another part of the spectrum: Capsaicin, the Spicy. As some of us may know, this is one astonishingly volatile substance; however, what you may no know, is that their is yet another substance which is akin to that of Capsaicin. However, this substance would make any spicy chile just a mere walk in the park. Because this chemical in particular is far, FAR worse than Capsaicin. Just how volatile is it? Well, for the record, first of all this chemical that I'm about to write down has been used as a nontraditional painkiller, on some occasions, especially by veterinarians. But why "nontraditional?", you might ask? Unlike many other painkillers, including Heroin, this one in particular is permanent, lasting for a lifetime, literally! In order to dilute this chemical that's called Resiniferatoxin so as to make it neutral, one would need to use at least an olympic sized swimming pool full of water for a drop of the chemical. This chemical comes from plants! Supposedly, this toxin is roughly one thousand times more potent than that of Capsaicin itself, although not all of it would be able to bind to the heat receptors of a person. According to Wikipedia, "Resiniferatoxin is toxic and can inflict a chemical burning sensation in microscopic quantities. The primary action of resiniferatoxin is to activate sensory neurons responsible for the perception of pain. It is currently the most potent TRPV1 agonist known to science, with ~500x higher binding affinity for TRPV1 than capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot chili peppers such as those produced by Capsicum annuum. Animal experiments suggest that, in humans, ingestion of 10 g may be fatal or cause serious damage to health.[9] It causes severe burning pain in sub-microgram (1/1,000,000th of a gram) quantities when ingested orally." I was truly intrigued by the very fact that there is an "antidote" for capsaicin! But wait jut a second. Because in order to obtain a chemical that's "warmer" than capsaicin, you would not even have to resort to a chemical such as Resiniferatoxin. In fact, you could just obtain a chemical that is perhaps far easier to get a hold of as opposed to capsaicin. That chemical is called Citric Acid. Mix it with something spicy, and there. Now, I have to wonder, whether or not there will there will ever be a mint to minimize, (or perhaps eliminate!) the effect of heat?

The Superpower In All Of Us

It is commonly known that some animals, such as dogs, have a sense of smell that is far superior than ours. Yet it turns out that one of our elusive superpowers come from our smell receptors. And it is this sense that turns out to be phenomenally powerful. The Weather Channel explains this phenomena, and I could write about it here, although I would just let them describe the phenomenal facts themselves: https://www.wunderground.com/video/top-stories/?cm_ven=topstories_hptile&video=1724997863
Next story has to do with volatile chemicals that are phenomenally (equally) as potent as the sense of smell we have obtained for rain

Monday, May 2, 2016

New "Earthly" Planets Discovered?


The Red Lake of Baghdad? Red Rain, Solved!? Let The Expert Explain All Mysteries In This Universe!

How and why did it form?! Does it have to do with pollutants? It has  red algae has been ruled out as a possibility, as well as blood. So, I guess my question is, "What caused the lake to turn red and back to normal seemingly ("overnight")!?" It almost certainly cannot be the same as red rain, right? The phenomena of red rain occured over India http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2012/11/18/sri-lanka-red-rain-mistery-solved/. More on that later. So, I have made my own hypothesis about what has caused a lake in Baghdad to turn red. It most likely couldn't have been rain, as this is a desert, especially if the rain were to be red in the first place, like it was in India. I think, although I am not not really sure if this is a plausible explanation... that the color was either caused by: A)Pollutants from waste ,or B)Iron. The latter would have made at least some sense, given that oxide or metallic particles were dumped into the lake. However, there is still one tantalizing question that still appears unclear to me; If this was really caused by rust, then would the red color be able to suddenly vanish "overnight"?! After all, even though it would be caused by metallic material, it would still most likely remain on the surface of the water much, much longer due to the properties of rust that prevent it from sinking. Unless the water was cleaned up all of the way, of course. There are no other explanations which I can think of, at least for now.
Now, how about that red rain? Let's get back to that phenomena again. Now, as evidenced by the link to the article posted above, there are some serious issues that should be accounted for, such as the fact that, as it turns out, the samples of rain that were taken in one region were noticeably darker than the other. Also, something else (one of the other facts) that was mentioned in the article is the fact that the microscopic dead "bacteria" that were found to exist in the water were unlike that of anything ever identified on Earth before, and that their structure appeared to differ from that of any algae species. And this led many scientists and/or people to think that this phenomenon was caused by something well...of extraterrestrial origin! However, let us discuss whether this type of explanation in particular really holds true. First of all, let's consider the following question: How likely would it be that this event in particular was caused mainly by ET!? Well, it may sound truly crazy (to say the least); However...despite the fact that it may seem like that to you, it's not as crazy as you may think it is. In fact, I might even go as far as to say a statement that sounds truly paradoxical: "It is, and yet isn't ET". That's right. It's exactly on the edge of what one could consider extraterrestrial, and what one couldn't. After all, microscopic life exists even in some of the most farthest reaches of our own atmosphere; yet does that make these bacteria ET? And that's where the line between what is "ET", and what is not, becomes truly blurry. Furthermore, I find it incredibly perplexing, the fact that these rains occurred on sporadic occasions in random areas. Astonishingly enough, this very fact, or detail, would probably not be inconsistent with the disintegration of a comet. And that sounds pretty exciting; however, at the same time, what you should keep in mind that because there is more than one explanation for these occurrences that could fit the bill (so to say), this simply makes the whole event much more difficult to resolve, as to what really occurred to cause the rain to fall down as red. And there is yet a third explanation that perhaps most of us could and would find plausible in this entire mess. And for this explanation, we return to the theory of algae. See, it turns out that it may be relatively simple to explain how and why the microbes' structures don't match those of other algae. When algae, (or any other microbes for that instance) spend extended periods of time away from their natural (usual) environment, often times what will happen is that they must assume different characteristics in order to adapt. This enables them to be able survive various conditions that differ from those that they have evolved for, usually for many thousands of years. This would surely help to explain the fact that the structural of the microbes found in the rain were different from algae, or at least different from those algae species that we usually know of here on Earth; In other words, only those species of algae which scientists have been able to document thus far. Now, here is one truly compelling fact; although it may not be related, I think that you should take not of it. Last year, over 2015, a group of young scientists tried to study the effects of martian conditions on microbial life, to se whther or not earth born pathogens could survive the extreme martian air. In order to do this experiment, they sent a weather balloon into space, at over 120,000 feet or so. And guess what?! In order to survive, these microbes mutated...and turned red! Could this be the missing link between "ET, and the red rain over India?" My best guess would be no. 
Taking into account all of the above explanations, the one that I think would be most likely to help explain the event of red rain would most likely have to be the occurence of algae at extremely high altitudes, which has somehow made reached all of the way into the clouds (or beyond). On it's way there, it could have mutated in order to survive. Or, perhaps another explanation would be that the atmospheric conditions that exist at high altitudes caused this even once they were dead. Either way, the microbes would almost surely mutate at extremely high altitude (such as, tens of thousands of feet). Again, this would help to explain the fact that some of the species of life cells that were discovered in the rain were "unaccounted for", or simply left as they were: unexplained. So there you have it. As I like to say, let the expert (me) explain the mysteries of our universe, from being able to reveal the origins of our universe to other down to earth matters. 
The writing of this blog has critically helped me in thinking for myself and achieving higher knowledge. Over time, I have come to terms with the fact that some of the most puzzling occurences and/or phenomena (questions) that we might sometimes come across are trivial, and are made mostly out of common sense! Some other questions I have tried to delve deep into in the writing of this blog has included: "Explaining the paradoxical nature of brain transplants", as well as "Are souls real?", and another one of my favorite thoughts..."The Atomic Condunrum"