Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Climate Change" vs Terrorism

Climate Change seems to be the presidents most critical topic these days, unless of course, another president takes over and declares something else more important. As of right now however, terrorism is not even considered one of the top five most important issues facing America, according to our president! Carbon emissions must be controlled?! PSSSH...NO, THEY SHOULDN'T! That will be harmful to us. It will take my garden much longer to grow fully. I don't want to wait another few weeks or so when fall comes and it will be too late for the garden! Anyhow, getting back on topic, so what I would like to talk about, and the reason for why I titled this post "Climate Change vs Terrorism", is the fact that with all of this critical talk about climate change might eventually become more relevant to terrorism than we currently think of it; Because, you see, I have just realized something unthinkable; that there might very well be a hidden agenda about climate change, one which none of us has ever even considered before, and so therefore it remain so mysterious. Because eventually, climate change (or the fact that we are enforcing such critical attention to our climate) can eventually turn back on us in a way that pretty much none of us has ever thought of before. And this would not have to do with plants, or farming, or even climate whatsoever. It could set the stage for something even more ominous, that is already happening relatively frequently in today's world and has been for the last few decades. What I am trying to get across, and I have been truly astonished by this, is the fact that the next terrorist attack could be influenced by the fact that the topic of climate change and global warming is so feverishly discussed about and the debates that are associated with it. So please, do not go around enforcing the "fact" that climate change is true and we must reduce carbon emissions. Because such restrictions could eventually lead to our downfall. Let's discuss this even further; how does this work?! In other words, how could we become so naive and ignorant? This is because the topic of climate change and global warming makes us ignorant of even the most important issues that face us today. And this ignorance is what can quite possibly cause the rise in violence around the world. This is not a proven concept. Yet it is one of my theories on how politics seem to work these days, particularly in America. And my objective in writing such things has definitely not been to necessarily assume any political view. It has just been my opinion. The thing is, when we think about terrorism alone, we are also ignorant. In fact, I think we are extremely ignorant. First of all, when we think about terrorism, the first word that could very likely come up to mind is the Middle East. And while that is true, I think that there is much more to terrorism than what the american people care to acknowledge. For it is not only the people of the Middle East who participate in terrorism. In fact, as astonishing as it might seem, terrorism is also practiced by americans! The very fact that we go out and attack other nations means that we have decided that we will too be aggressors on this Earth. And while we attack the Middle East, they will continue to attack us. For our acts of violence, we will pay for acts of war as well as the Middle Eastern people as well. Unless, of course, an alternative action is taken (finally!). For instance, and for sake of comparison, Al Qaida's attacks on september 11, 2001 have caused an economic dent of about 500k dollars, while all of the American warfare that has been conducted in the Middle East is equivalent to trillions, the exact amount that I cannot account for. And this is the battle of evils, and as we have noticed in EVERY war throughout all of history, there is essentially no winner in war.

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