Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Earth, And Life, As A Placebo. The Origins of Nature, VS The Origins Of Everything That Is Artificial;

There is A Placebo In My life. And You Know what they all call it?! Earth, that's what the placebo is. And that's what our lives are a lot. It's practically all just an illusion for now. "I am a fool to some. However, aren't we all fools?"...The truth is that...They be laughing at our face saying "Wake up you need to make a living". So, what I'm trying to get across is simply the fact that we are all distracted from what's relevant and what is actually important. Right?! We will spend the rest of our lives thinking. And whatever we will be thinking, it will be ultimately be about something totally irrelevant. Again, we will always remain distracted by everything that is clouding our view of what's truly important. We need to look beyond the "mundane" of our everyday lives, and think about the more interesting aspects of reality, such as, for example, the supernatural occurrences in the world. Ghosts, Native American legends that are thought of as fact, etc. etc. Now, I have written comprehensive about this when I indicated that there are three "realms" to the universe. The first would basically be Earth, on which everything is man made. The second would be what we commonly know of as "nature". And yet there is an even more astounding realm, which would be more natural than nature itself. Because nature is just a product of this realm, and has been created through natural processes, just as people create products from nature. Sure, they are natural alright. Yet they are also artificial. And so, the fact that I am trying to get across here on these blogs is that everything in nature came from something even more original. Natural means more original than artificial, however there is nothing to say or indicate that nature is the most original aspect at which the state of the universe exists. It had to come from something perhaps. There is nothing to indicate that that something was something that we know think of, such as an entity. No, we do not know that. Just as everything artificial has its origins in nature, ultimately it is nature that has its own origin. One from which the raw materials were used to make a secondary realm, nature. However, let me explain that this is just saying that there is cold, warm, and hot. That is not truly the case, is it? It's just variable degrees of the same. For instance, hot is actually extremely warm, and cold, warm, and hot are essentially the same things.

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