Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Is The Meaning Of Life According To An Atheist (Written by M'CHECK)

As you might have noticed, I frequently write about things regarding the "supernatural", or simply delve into the things that are truly philosophical. Yet I think that these kinds of topics, at least many of them, may have more in common with science itself than just philosophy! Today I have written about what the meaning of life could be according to an atheist, although it could also involve many other kinds of people. So, "What Is The Meaning Of Life According To An Atheist?"
No matter who you are, I think life has the same purpose; accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. Why would this be so? After all, this is one of those times in life where you feel at your most happy. And it also leads to really strong feelings of content, and rightly so. This is great. Because, as it turns out, accomplishment is not just "fun"; it is also important as a life skill. And so when we feel great about it, that is usually more than just what we could term "A temporary high". Most all things that make us feel great are just that. They're temporary. So accomplishing what you set out to accomplish is pretty much the purpose of life, according to me, regardless of whether you're an atheist or not. There are some other things that are just as great as accomplishment, except that they are usually only good for the short run. Accomplishment is arguably the most inspiring moment in life. The reason for this is that, we can't just sit back. It is very critical that we learn to contribute to ourselves as well as society in general. What does it exactly mean that accomplishment is great "for the long run?" Well, this is pretty self explanatory, and means that unlike other life events, such as (for instance) finding something, accomplishment is not only something that you think is important; It actually is important. For people who are not atheists, their meaning to life would be mostly to become more spiritual. However, life is not about that for everyone.

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