Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Extraterrestrial Lightning...?

Todayh Weather Channel had their program about otherworldly weather. In that episode they discuss UAL, or upper atmospheric lightning. This makes me wonder what Light phenomena must exist on other planets similar to Earth. You know, because this form of lightning, which can spread out for many miles and up for tens and tens of miles into the ionosphere (which is where the solar wind interacts with extremely thin air, creating a layer made up of incredibly sparse, yet equally as energetic, solar energy, or particles including neutrons, protons, etc.) lasts for extremely short durations of time. So, if we had an atmosphere that were, say much thinner than that of Earths yet it were to be equally as energetic closer to the surface (equal or more storm energy as compared to Earth) and that planet were to somehow be just as warm as our dear Earth, then the storms there would have to be phenomenal. What we call upper atmospheric lightning here on Earth may be a daily occurence near the surface of another Earthlike planet! At least I suppose that such a planet may be habitable. And then, how about the upper atmospheric lightning there!? We can only guess for now, eh? How about lightning on another planet with far higher atmospheric density?! It sure was interesting to find out that this form of lightning could be far hotter than that of regular lightning. So, other planets may definitely benefit from this phenomena, given that those types of conditions exist there. Thinner atmosphere= smaller greenhouse effect; so I suppose that hotter lightning could be a really good benefit, albeit lasting only a infinitesimally tiny portion of a second. And then, pretty soon, and unfortunately,~ all of the heat generated by these phenomena~ it would be forced to radiate all of the way into space. And the there could be an extraterrestrial atmosphere composed of a different concentration of gasses as opposed to Earth. Perhaps the air there is composed primarily of Nitrogen, which might turn the lightning there colorful. And to add to just how mysterious the universe is, maybe there is life that relies not on O2, Carbon, or Nitrogen, but instead, on Hydrogen? Helium? Methane?

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