Monday, May 23, 2016

Natural Climate Change Pt. 2

This post goes somewhat off topic as compared to my next recent, to address the theories of climate change.
There is also the threat of ice ages somewhere over the horizon. How are we to deal with such a massive problem? And so comes the theory of global warming, in which we are to emit more and more dubious amounts of gasses, mostly carbon, in order to offset the threat of an ice age. How does this work?! Well, in this day and age, we are having a truly difficult time trying to figure out just how. Unlike the ice age, the planet is extremely full of plants, which capture carbon. And they release water vapor, which helps to keep nights warmer than normal. They do not necessarily cool the planet. Instead, plants help moderate world climate. If CO2 concentrations that are too abundant, then plants will tend to stop growing any quicker More info. And so CO2 concentrations will never warm the Earth anymore than it already has, because if the CO2 levels keep rising, plants will keep growing. And since they will keep making oxygen, the CO2 will almost certainly become more and more diluted. Now we still need to solve the riddle even further. Because while plants emit water vapor, the most potent greenhouse gas ever known to man, water vapor is just not the same as Carbon. Because the qualities of water vapor that help in moderating the Earth's climate are also the same qualities that can potentially create new climates, in which there will be more climate extremes, in fact. However, who says that these climate extremes will be more so potent that the extremes that exist today? That is the million dollar question. Because clouds created due to the release of water vapor can cool the Earth during the day, and they don't always exist during the nighttime. Or the situation can be completely reversed, and clouds will only exist during the nighttime, and go away during the day. However, eventually, everything returns to normal. And because of this, climate consists simply of cycles. And eventually, normal weather may switch to "extreme". And I strongly think that this is how it is here on Earth. And it is the very reason for why we have such difficulties in forecasting and modeling the climate; because it's incredibly complex, and variable, as well as chaotic.

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