Saturday, July 30, 2016

An Ice Age Might Be VERY LIKELY within the next few hundred years

An ice age, you say? Yes, that's right. There will be an ice age on Earth in the relatively near future. It might not occur within our lifetime. However, the chance of it happening is just about certain. The last ice age occurred quite a while ago. That's not the same ice age that I am referring to! That ice age in particular will not return to us in well over one hundred thousand, maybe millions of years. There just might be another ice age coming, and it will come far sooner than that. The Earth will not have an unusual tilt this time. Instead, it will be the most powerful volcano in the world, and it is currently only one of it's kind as of right now. It's name is Yellowstone. Who knows? There could also be another equally enormous volcano underwater. How about greenhouse emissions? Well, we don't know that for certain. Many think that greenhouse emissions will have a major influence on the Ice Age. Here's the deal: while scientists are struggling to figure out the riddle of what is supposedly artificial climate change, there is one major catastrophe that will almost certainly occur during the next eruption, and although it might not have anything to do with changing temperatures, greenhouse emissions will have a MAJOR here on Earth, in one way or another. Because of the reduction of plants, which capture carbon, we might be forced to stay away from vehicles, since that would surely have an affect. After all, during such an extreme volcanic eruption, plants will most likely be unable to produce oxygen. If, during that time, we keep giving off carbon, then much more of that carbon will stay trapped in the air. At the rate at which we are currently releasing CO2, the atmosphere could become toxic. We might not be directly poisoned; however, after the six or so years since the eruption, once all of the dust settles, plants might have an incredibly difficult time trying to adapt to remarkable high amounts of carbon. And we would not be too healthy afterwards.

Typhoon To Make It's Way Toward China

Recently, China has nearly been affected by a major typhoon. However, the typhoon weakened at an incredibly rapid pace, going from a category 5 storm, to becoming simply a tropical storm within only about 200 miles or so. And at least 300 people died soon after. Earlier this year, well over 400 people in China were killed as a major tornado wreaked havoc. This most recent typhoon is much like what happened with Hurricane Patricia in 2015 as it made it's way across Mexico, going from a category 5 to a tropical depression well within 24 hours. This time, however, there might be even more flooding in China, as a Hurricane is forecast to wreak havoc.