Friday, February 26, 2016

This Winter

Here's something. I am getting "depressed" over the winter. Why? Actually, what's interesting is that it's now February. Yet the day is so short that it seems like the might as well have gotten shorter over the course of the winter; wait, huh!? Yeah, that's right; the days have been pretty cloudy recently. It gives me the perception that the days have actually reduced in length. That itself is pretty paradoxical, at least the way I think about it. The weather has changed as well, along with the rising sun. The solstice and the equinox are essentially sunrise & sunset over the northern hemisphere. And the snow itself is like a cloud that's turned solid and its now on the ground. We're shoveling a cloud. And that snow is acting like a VERY good insulator if there's a lot of it. The bottom of the lakes and ponds, and whatever have you, are at 38 degrees Fahrenheit, despite snow or ice. And December was unusually warm. In January, that's when all of that nice weather stopped. And since that time, the snow has increased, which is ironic since lake effect snow is most prominent in December most of the time. Yet this year, we're seeing the Great lakes have become unfrozen unusually early, leading to lake effect snow later. This February is different than December in a few interesting ways; first of all, in December we had frequent warmth pretty much day to day later in the month, which is sort of strange. Yet this month we still have the occasional "warm blasts" yet with a mix of cool air dominating the times in between. So that's something intriguing I've been able to notice. Next week is when we're supposed to receive the most intense snowstorm of the season thus far. Haha. Hang in there. I've always wanted to know what it would be like if the snow could fall in hot weather. Any thoughts?

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