Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My theory? Where Does Creativity Come From!?

This may seem like it comes with a simple answer. Mainstream knowledge will give you a common answer. However; even though it's straightforward, I'm not afraid to make a theory of my own that I think is valid nonetheless. This is the theory of Collective thought!; not one that you'll read about somewhere else. Man! I know I probably copied the name w/out even knowing. Yet this is the idea that we collect thoughts from the mind. These thoughts come together to create creativity in the mind. This is something that research acknowledge already about the theory of dreams. Yet I think that these thoughts can actually, through mysterious ways, manifest themselves into conscious ones. And, as a result, we don't need to be passed out to realize these thoughts on paper, or on a computer in that case. Our mind may be collecting random bits of info that it them compiles together. How will the mind decide what to use as info? Well my theory goes as is: these thoughts are unrelated to each other, yet for some strange reasons that which we cannot understand, the mind decides that it will use these (usually visual) thoughts for inspiration. We won't even notice it happening, since it begins unconscious. And throughout the day, or some other time perhaps...we might start getting truly strange, yet inexplicable, and often wildly imaginative, thoughts. And if we don't experience much, our unconscious may very well start acting up, imagining things that aren't really there. After all that's what happens in a Sensory deprivation. So why can't those things be also happening when we're experiencing little of anything at a given moment? Sure; these thoughts are unlikely to manifest if the unconscious is over occupied. However, it is not always occupied. Is it? Well in my case; No. Well, that is, if the mind has no need for working that much. If there are no real concerns, and if you aren't, or don't necessarily have to, use intuition. So that makes me tantalized as it regards ESP. I'm still trying to figure it out, although at the top of my head, the explanation is somewhere really close and for whatever reason I just can't grasp it while writing, let alone explain it in a way that significant number of people will actually make sense of it; as much I'd like for this to be true, it seems to never be this way. Truly unfortunate that people aren't able to make much sense of what I'm thinking. That really disappoints me because I'd really like to try and get my points across really CRITICALLY. After all is explained, there will be a clearing of the fog. Creativity may as well be something inexplicable, something paranormal. Something, that may as well come...from another dimension! STAY INTRIGUED. MY FRIENDS!

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