Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Purpose Of Life, As Seen Through My Eyes

This post will be about my personal idea on what the purpose of life is. I have found one, and it is phenomenally compelling, so please take a second to look at this and tell me what you think. Not sure how much sense it is, but I hope you understand what it say here
Speed Up Your Own Evolution
Do not be afraid, of the heat of the dessert, of the frigid winter. Don't be afraid; of going beyond human boundaries we set for ourselves. You can be anywhere, no matter how cold or hot you are, if you just become acclimated. Don't despair; The world could be a fearless place, where we could wander anywhere we want to, and not fear hypothermia, heat stroke, pain, or even other such challenges. It's essentially all in the mind. We just need to train. Starvation, thirst, or whatever else you can think of, such as diseases, can be cured! All you need to do, is start the to acclimate to these things, slowly yet surely. No need for healthcare. This will give us powers. The like of which the world has never, and might never see again. This is hyper evolution, in which we accelerate our own evolution, to survive anything the world has to throw at us. Sure, it's pretty ambitious. There are many things out in the world destined to be deadly. Yet if we don't start, then we won't get too far now. It's time to rethink what it means to be an average person, and what the purpose of life is. R U in, (do you agree?)!?
We could go into an extremely thin air, or extremely dense atmosphere without equipment. We could take a balloon up over Mounr Everest without a pressure suit or air supply. We could come back down to Earth and be alright. We can become immune to pressure changes, no matter how great, and no matter how fast. We can then acclimate to various factors at once. And so goes the story, of the purpose of life. My mind's eyes have opened up the window to a new existence. One which can lead to no more suffering, no more cold, no more heat, no more anything of that nature. We can overcome our fears, and be one with nature. We will cease to be afraid, and nature will start to become our lifestyle. It will now be our
I am currently listening to some slowed down music. It really opens up your inner energy, as I like to call it. It's amazing as amazing gets. What is it, it's M83, with a paulstretch applied to it in software. Oh man, I haven't heard this kind of music in my life. I will upload the results once I can.

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