Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How To Understand Our Minds Better; Sub dimensions In The 4th

How much of it, our mind, can we possibly resolve, or understand? Well, let me tell you something really compelling about the mind itself. The secrets of the mind can be effectively unlocked once we stray away from mainstream thought. In order to understand how our mind works is to think about all of it as "dimensions". In this notion, the imagination can act as if it were a bridge between dimensions, not spatial ones, but instead, dimensions which are composed more or less of thought. And perhaps we can even go a step further with this way of thinking and learn more about stuff beyond perception. Beyond the human experience. Beyond what we are able to sense.
Sub dimensions In The 4th
What do we mean when we think about the 4th dimension of the human mind? Well, as stated earlier, the human mind can be thought of existing as thoughts, which make up what is comparable to a first dimension. In the case of anything involving the brain, however, these would actually be called realms instead of dimensions. And the second, higher, realm could be considered as being composed of something higher than thought, perhaps imagination. And then we come to the third realm, in which the act of perception can be found, and the senses function as well. And, here remains the question...
...what composes the next dimension? So far, we are just not sure. However, as I have already stated, by thinking about the mind in dimensions, or realms, it proves as a very effective way of thinking in order to understand what we can thus far. I theorize than additional dimension, could be made up of sub dimensions. In fact, all of the realms that make up the mind could be made up of what is known as a domain. And a third or fourth realm could be a domain in itself. And the sub domains could very well help explain the mysterious qualities known to many as telepathy, telesthesia, telekinesis, etc. Sub dimensions don't just apply to the mind. They can, in fact, apply to spatial reality. In math, one can actually use the term 2.5 or 3.1 dimensional. Sounds crazy. Yet it's true. The real world is lacking in many different forms, which are virtual. Take the spherical fractal pattern as an example; do we find those patterns in nature? 

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