Saturday, December 26, 2015

Curvaceous World pt. 1: Nature of Reality

My theory will the reality is made up of strings: However, I will go further as to say that it would be equally plausible to consider the possibility that the world is very much like the quantum universe. ...In other words, that the nature of the world that we experience in our life is akin to that of quantum physics, although when it comes to our reality, it does differ from the quantum one, obviously if you were to consider the fact that we are talking about major scale differences. All I'm trying to get at is that, the world we live in, at it's smallest fundamental scales, does not necessarily need to be thought of as being composed of strings; it could just as equally be considered a world of waves. And guess what? Once we consider this notion, what we may or may not realize, is that, energy itself is comprised of waves! And matter, on the other hand, is essentially the same form, although it is generally not thought of that way... since matter is thought to be a "fused form of energy"! It is just like energy, except that matter is clumped together, so to speak, and in relation to energy, is static. Anyways, However...              
... is it possible that quantum principles could also rule over our day to day lives? That is, whatever happens at those quantum levels, could also exist at much larger scales, on ones that we can see? Now, this is where it will start getting truly paradoxical. The realization that what we SHOULD be able to see, is invisible. For these "quantum" phenomenon could exist in a way that they really are invisible... why?
Well, here comes the idea about the existence of another dimension. In fact, as I've read Brian Greene's book The Fabric of The Cosmos, it tries to explain how an extra dimension might actually exist. It would most likely appear as being curled up. At some PHENOMENALLY miniature scales. Yet, you see, it is perhaps possible that even our visible universe could be comprised of an additional dimension! How could this even be possible? Well, let me explain. First of all, let us think about the visible world. The one that, to us, is relatively tangible. Alright, now this world of ours wouldn't be as visible if it were not for stereo vision. Yet the third dimension that we are able to see as a result of our binocular vision, is still one that exists at our own level of existence. And if this is so far all of the three known dimensions, why on Earth couldn't the same be held true for a fourth, or possibly, further dimension? The fourth dimension could even "govern" the fabric of reality. It could do this by assuming a few different forms in the other dimensions. We could equally argue back and forth about what exactly these forms are. Again, there are multiple possibilities, although the problem is such that, would we even know what dimension we would be looking at? First comes the form of a wave. Sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it? And this is just what we might see in one of our dimensions. Keep one thing in mind, however. Waves are formed by circular motion! So when someone notices something spinning or rotating, for instance, it may appear to them as just some waves. That object could just as well also be making circular motions! The best possible example might as well come from photons. Although we aren't quite sure yet, photons are thought to be traveling in circular motions, undulating while they take on straight paths. All of these motions, happening at the same time, combine together, to form what we currently know simply as waves. Now, matter itself could be comprised of strings, whose random motions themselves would create waves, as they, too,(the strings) would work in undulating motions. And if this were true, then this might allow for the possibility of the next dimension, which could be comprised of-spheres! Don't get me wrong, however. I might sound as if I'm trying to simply say, "our universe is made up of particles." However, even though this might have sound a little strange, that's not too far from the truth that I'm trying to hypothesize, exists. Let's move away from the atomic scale from now on. The spheres which I'm writing about would not necessarily (always) fit into that measurement scale. Again, the fourth dimension could be comprised of such spheres. And hypothetically speaking, they might even exist at scales many hundreds of times larger than atoms. Even scales which we are accustomed to! And they may exist in our midst-the midst of all of our familiar dimensions. How could this possibly be true, however?
Strings can combine together to form a collective network of circles. And as we know, circles can form spheres. Now, let us think about: "how could such a thing even be possible?!"
Continued in next post                                                                        

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