Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My theory on "cosmic thoughts and consciousness" part 1

So, as we all might know already, the saying goes that actions speak louder than words. How about thoughts? Thoughts are a mysterious thing, as is telesthesia. We all know that thoughts can influence what someone does, and can determine what someone says. And thoughts are only thought to have effects on ourselves, if we decide to keep them to ourselves. However, the reason I'm going to write this post about thoughts is because I am willing to offer a perplexing idea. That idea is actually more of a theory, or a notion, that mere thoughts have more to them than just the ability to affect oneself, or others, for that matter. What if they can also have the ability to shape reality? So, first of all, what I'm trying to get across is not that something can happen as a result of an action which would then, in turn, be the result of a thought. Obviously we as people use thoughts in order to achieve a goal, which is achieved because we decided to act on that thought. So, of course, it doesn't seem as though a thought all by itself should lead to achieving a goal unless there is an act that follows in its footsteps, so to say. Before I continue, keep in mind that this is a truly complicated theory of mine to define. However, I will try to explain it as best I can so that it makes sense. This theory proposes that mere thoughts, which originate from the mind, also have external effects on the environment, with one exception. We will go ahead and skip the part of acting upon those thoughts. So, what this means is that even when your thoughts are kept to yourself, that they are somehow connected to the outside world, which in turn responds to those thoughts. You most certainly cannot achieve something just by thinking about it, if you keep that thought to yourself, and we all know that. Or do we? So, does that thought do much if it's stuck in our head all the time? Well, it probably could influence our actions, ideas, and/or opinions to some degree, depending on what the thought exactly is and if our mind is coming back to it. Those are the internal effects, however. The thought may actually be causing something to happen, or affecting how something is unfolding in the tangible world. In other words, it may be shaping reality. However, there is yet another intriguing possibility. The thought could be having an influence on other people. And nobody, not even yourself, would have any idea that it is happening. In fact, we may never even know if such thoughts of ours are affecting reality. The reason for this is that there is no known possible method for determining any truth behind this mystery; nobody has even an idea on how it could be possible to connect occurences in our own reality to our own thoughts. Is the nonliving world somehow connected to our consciousness? Does our mind, or our consciousness, seem so mysterious, because it has something to do with an additional dimension of reality? Remember the theory I had posted. There is something I still hadn't mentioned about it- another reason for why I find the theory so interesting. I'm just now starting to think about it, as I'm writing this sentence. The reason is that, it reminds me a whole lot about quantum mechanics and theoretical physics, which are basically the same topic. These topics do, in fact, pose some strange questions and, for that matter, reveal some strange answers. Take nonlocality for example- I had talked about this before on my blog. This is the phenomenon known to exist between separate particles, in which the particles may be separated by many light years. Although these can be extremely vast distances, these particles are connected in a way. As one behaves a certain way, the other one will respond accordingly. So, I just decided to tell about this phenomenon because it's exactly what came to mind as I was thinking about my theory. It seems like my theory may have something to do with quantum mechanics, as the things learned from there have much in common with this kind of phenomenon, with the exception that the quantum world has to do with very small particles. If you've read my previous post about time, you may remember how I was reading about physics in order to be able to explain the nature of reality. I think I am on to something. Anyways, I think another subject that would tie in well with the topic of thought would be psychology, and, especially, psychic research. The latter of the two has quite a bit in common with the notion of thought that I came up with.

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